
Shyness is like quicksand, because it strikes its victims when they least expect it, and, also like quicksand, it often makes its victims look down. 



I really thought I was starting to get over my shyness. I really did. But today in French class, I was dropped in a situation in which the teacher asked me to repeat a phrase by myself to the class; I have ADD and hadn't been paying attention, I didn't know what to say. Everyone in the class turned around in their seats- I sit at the back of the classroom, so I could see every single student in the class fixed on staring at my reddening face. I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks and all I froze. I tried to speak, but all I could do was stare at my desk with a y look on my face. I just wanted everyone to disappear, or at least disappear myself. I couldn't speak, or move much.


I really wonder sometimes, will I ever get over this? Even with the girl I like... I finally became friends with her, and I got better and better at talking to her- but last time I saw her, something screwed up and I went back to square one; I couldn't speak anymore. I don't know what's wrong with me...


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