real is the new beautiful



Okay, so this is an opinionated rant, so I will not be held responsible for any -hurt haters. I'm not trying to point fingers. This is just something I've noticed around here, and it bugs me.

You have been warned.

(NOTE: I'm also talking about beauty in the world. I mentioned it down there, but no one seems to see it. T.T)




AFF's definition of beauty and ugliness bother me.

Glasses don't mean that you're ugly. Heck, I even wore glasses until just recently when I got contacts.

Fat doesn't make you ugly. 

Money doesn't make you pretty.

Popularity doesn't make you pretty.

Perfect S-line, facial features, and white skin doesn't make you pretty. By white skin, I don't mean Caucasian. I'm not racist. I mean the beauty standards in Asia to have white skin. 




I was inspired to write this post after seeing a story on the homepage of AFF just now. Not going to point it out, but it was basically about a fat girl.

Let me repeat.

Fat girl.

I was appalled because the author had put into parentheses something along the words of 'fat', 'beautiful', 'ugly', and 'slim'.

When I saw 'slim', my reaction was just: WTF.


Since when did slim mean beautiful? I found it very offensive, but I was intrigued to see what type of story this person was writing. It was about this fat girl who was ugly. Everyone made fun of her, but she didn't care. She wasn't motivated. It ended with something along the lines of: Will she be motivated to become pretty/slim when she falls in love?



Firstly, I don't think being fat makes you ugly. That is such an aesthetical stereotype. Sadly, a lot of people judge these days based on a person's outer appearance. I mean, I'm not fat (I hope), but I'm not pretty and stick skinny either. Calling someone ugly because they're fat is rude, offensive, and stereotypical. They could be nice, sweet, and caring. But no, if you judge just by their outer appearance you'll never get to know how awesome of a person they are.

I have a problem with 'slim = beauty'. Beauty. What is beauty?

A slim, beautiful girl could be a for all you know. 

I'm not saying you (lucky), skinny girls are es. I'm just saying that you can never know a person's heart from their outer appearance.


I also have a problem with this whole 'beauty' concept on AFF and the world. I feel like people don't understand what it really means to be beautiful. How many times do you see stories with a fat, ugly girl (usually a nerd) who is bullied. Then, suddenly, when she gets a makeover and becomes skinny, all the guys are drooling over her (esp. in those stories about a girl getting revenge). 

That's just sick. 

Girl, just because you got bedazzled doesn't mean anything.

What's even sicker is when the guy who bullied her starts to fall for her. You only fell for her once she was beautiful? What about her heart? Yes, you may come to love her heart later on, but the fact that you're only trailing after her now that she's beautiful is wrong.


Sure. We are human. Of course, outer appearances appeal to us. 

Yes, they appeal to us, but they should not become something that we base our impressions on and judge other people on. 

Why don't people judge by the inner appearance anymore? It's sad to see that outer beauty has become something that we judge other people with.

As Epik High so wonderfully put,

Real is the new beautiful. 

(I highly recommend you listen to the song and look at the lyrics. They really touch me and help me with my self-confidence issues). I'll post the lyrics here.


Ugly is…
Broken is…
Different is…
the new beautiful.

There are many names that the world has given me.
The weirdo, the loner, the weak, the outcast, the heretic.
If beauty is not talent, but being included, and harmoniously blooming into a flower, you can go do that.
I’m a monster.

Yeah, so what if I limp, walk slow, or stop? (It’s ok)
So what if I’m a lot more behind than the expected result? (It’s ok)
So what if I become lonely because my dream is something that can’t be cheered on? (It’s ok)
You whisper behind my back.
What are you looking at?

You’re not ugly
The world’s standards are too high
You are beautiful.
You don’t know me, you can’t see me
It doesn’t matter, I like myself.

You’re not weird,
The world’s standards are too straight.
We are beautiful.
We can be different, we can go crazy.
Cuz we’re the new new new beautiful.

The world’s fingers pointing at me, only trying to give me orders.
It’s an irregularity, not a foul play, so why am I the only one who gets a yellow card?
Not everyone is like Picasso just because they have a slanted, close view.
I’m me, you’re you, you look at me with different colours, only.

Yeah, so what if I act erse, different, or wrong? (It’s ok)
So what if I offend those precious eyes of yours? (It’s ok)
So what if I’m attracted to unwelcomed love? (It’s ok)
Beautiful, ‘me’, [1] me, me. Not you.

You’re not ugly
The world’s standards are too high
You are beautiful.
You don’t know me, you can’t see me
It doesn’t matter, I like myself.

You’re not weird,
The world’s standards are too straight.
We are beautiful.
We can be different, we can go crazy.
Cuz we’re the new new new beautiful.

I’m too different from my what you want me to be like.
Come closer.
I’m so beautiful.
I’m too different from my what you want me to be like.
Come closer
Look at me now!

We’re not wrong
We’re just different because we don’t like the obvious answers.
We are beautiful.
You can be different, you can go crazy.
Cuz we’re the new new new beautiful.


Real is the new beautiful.




I realize this is a highly sensitive topic. I myself suffer from self-confidence about my own image. I also realize that everyone has a different definition of beauty. Comments and feedback are appreciated, but rude comments will be deleted.  

I have a lot more to say about this topic, but I can't really remember everything. I think I'll just end it here before I accidentally hurt someone's feelings. 


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Yeolda #1
And again, your blog post has got me thinking. What is true beauty? It's sad that the world doesn't acknowledge the inner beauty of people. Skinny pretty girls have an advantage. Their lives are so much more easier. They automatically get friends and support. Being the unlucky person I am, I'm over weight and not that appealing to look at ;~; One thing I hate the most is people automatically thinking I'm mean, rude, and careless because of the way I look. My face naturally looks like I'm having a typhoon. Asianfanfics stories are so unrealistic. And I'm not talking about the fantasy and star side, cause that's the main point of a fanfic, I'm talking about the way they think. If someone's ugly, they're automatically a loser and nerd. Look at me! I'm ugly and have friends.....I have glasses, does that make me a nerd? Being fat also makes you ugly? Adele is overweight, does she look ugly? No, she's beautiful. Okay, sorry for this long ___ comment.
Oh, I saw that story you mentioned, and I've seen it before, and every time I see it and others like it, it makes me even angrier. But I've already spoken my mind on this issue on my blog, and I don't know what else can be done to change something so deeply entrenched in society. .___.
Yes, people are being prejudice. I'm not happy about that. But really, we can't do anything about it because that's what people call human nature. They are influenced by each other so if a large group of people say that fat is ugly then they would follow them blindly. I gotta say that humans are easily influenced, don't you think so?
I have a friend who is often called ugly and fat and etc. I was really really angry about that so I asked her whether she was angry at the people who mistreated her.
I was surprised by her answer. She didn't hate them! I would've slaughtered them mentally if I were in her shoes. So my point is, it's important for people to be strong minded especially people who area called ugly and so on. We can't really change people's opinion about the description of beauty. I agree with deliberatemistake. Heaps of kpop songs defy beauty based on appearance. And wouldn't that influence everyone who listens to the songs? Like I said, humans could be easily influenced by major things. Gah, what am I blabbering about? OTZ
I think I've gone off the topic. kekeke. Sorry.
In my opinion, I think it's a matter of not giving a crap. I know for a fact that I'm not stick thin, nor am I this Megan Fox type of beautiful. It's about humbling yourself and realizing that nobody is in fact ugly. I honestly don't find people ugly based on their looks, but rather, based on their personalities.
Mind if I comment?

I agree whole heartedly though it's not just the fanfics on here where people think like this it's everywhere. People call someone 'ugly' because their face may not be what. Nobody should be just based on how they look period. I don't get why some people do this, I didn't take a look at this fanfic but I saw another one where the author made a character fat and made it seem like being fat was so horrible and attrocious -__- I'm not grossley obese or anything here I can still walk around and exercise, but some people are just ignorant jerks I guess. I judge a person by their personality rather then looks.
Ugly depends on what your face looks like :3
Well honestly, this is not just on AFF. This is the situation almost everywhere...Our perception of beauty, and by our I'm speaking for the mass, not any individuals, is strongly affected by what we see, what we hear more than by what we feel and what we think. Media plays a huge role in this - in fact, I have heard it in many kpop songs the description of a beautiful girl includes fair skin, S-line and whatnot. Also, the idols themselves have mentioned that they like girls with S-lines or really fair girls, they say it often when they speak about their ideal types. And of course most kpop girls are stick thin and they're considered the epitome of beautiful by the fans. In such a situation, it is common to misinterpret slim for beautiful.
It is sad indeed, that people fail to comprehend that beauty lies within. But culture has a large part to play in all this, in my opinion.