Dog Meat and Koreans

Recently a friend who was not Korean posted a picture of some Korean food and was like, "Mmmm delicious" and someone responded with, "Is that bbq dog or is that bbq cat?"

And I really took HUGE offense to this because I'm tired of it.

Okay the whole, "Oh you're Korean so do you eat dog?" comments, or anything related in that sense gets REALLY OLD REALLY FAST. When you ask that stupid question do you not realize how ignorant you sound? That's really a stereotype people need to stop throwing out there. I have never eaten dog, my mother who was born and raised in Korea has never eaten dog, my friends mom has never eaten dog. It's not a regular staple.
So here's to clear up some . Korean's on the regular DO NOT EAT DOG. That is considered something of a delicacy that is not normally on the menu. Yes, Korean's have eaten dog and some very very few still do. Korean's aren't the only race to have tried it.

It's ing rude and it's ing ignorant and it's not ing funny. It's similar to making the stereotype that Black people only eat fried chicken. But at least with that stereotype it's not looked on in disgust.

If a Korean person makes the joke, okay, fine, it's okay for them to do it and for you to laugh in response. But otherwise, it's really not okay.

Straight from Wikipedia:

"In Korea, some people eat Bosintang (literally "invigorating soup"), believing it to have medicinal properties, particularly as relates to virility. Dog meat is also believed to keep one cool during the intense Korean summer. Many Korean Buddhists consider eating meat an offense, which includes dog meat. Unlike beef, pork, or poultry, dog meat has no legal status as food in South Korea. Hence dog meat farming takes place in a legal grey area. Some in South Korea and abroad believe that dog meat should be expressly legalized so that only authorized preparers can deal with the meat in more humane and sanitary ways, while others think that the practice should be banned by law.

In recent years, many Korean people have changed their attitudes towards eating dog meat from "personal choice" to "unnecessary cruelty." Animal rights activists in South Korea protest against the custom of eating dog meat. Since 1988, international animal welfare activists - most notably, French actress Brigitte Bardot - have campaigned against dog meat consumption in South Korea. However, Korean nationalists on the internet have defended the consumption of dog meat, accusing animal welfare activists of forcing "Westernization" on Korea. A recent survey by the Korean Ministry of Agriculture showed that 59% of Koreans aged under 30 would not eat dog. Some 62% of the same age group said they regard dogs as pets, not food. Many young Koreans think those who eat dog are an anachronism. Although early Western media reports stated that some dogs were beaten to death,the dogs are not butchered in that way these days and usually instantly killed by a blow with an electric rod. Korean Americans have used lawsuits against public figures who mention this aspect of Korean cuisine. During the 2002 Winter Olympics, TV host Jay Leno joked that the Korean skater Kim Dong-Sung would eat his dog. The MCIC Group filed a class-action lawsuit against Leno on behalf of 50,000 Korean Americans, demanding an apology and monetary damage."



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This. Seriously. Really annoying.
It offends me so much when people say stuff like that!

btw..... I don't like chicken -_- so people, do, need to stop making jokes