exo wolf : a rant on exo or exotics?


this is a rant. i may offend you, so proceed with caution. don't say i didn't warn you. if you're about to go whining in the comments section, save it. everyone's entitled to their own opinions, i know. so this is mine. 



I'm actually quite annoyed. 


When SM announced that exo was coming back with Wolf, there were all these 'wtf' comments on allkpop.

Such like: if it actually is wolf, I feel sorry for exotics...

exo's new song .

this is pure wtfckery

exo is coming back with that ty song?

i don't like this. the leaked version was awful. the lyrics were awful. baekhyun's high note was awful



I see this all over the place. Everywhere exotics are just freaking out because the leaked version was awful. omygosh guise. can someone just please shut up for once about the leaked version? IT WAS THE LEAKED VERSION. LEAKED.


do you really think that whoever released it released the original version? do you think that sm would actually have let the audio up on youtube that long for so many people to listen to if it was the real deal? Do you really think so? where is the common sense? there was a post from a while ago saying how the song was tweaked and all. and i believe it. when has sm ever released anything absolutely awful? sure, there are songs that i don't like, but they're not awful. and baekhyun's high note in wolf was totally off-key. doesn't that tell you something? of course he wouldn't sing that off-key. there are so many reasons that makes me believe why it's tweaked. 


you know, i actually kinda liked the leaked version once i listened to it over and over again constantly. sure, there are some weird parts, but it's leaked. there's no way such an accurate version would be leaked so many months before. 


that doesn't mean that the real version won't sound a little bit like the leaked version. the words and stuff will probably be the same. but it's obviously not going to be exactly the same. so exotics, you guys can stop crying or btching about wolf.

i think that whatever the end result of wolf (whether i like it or not), the boys worked really hard for 1+ year to put together a full album for us. they've been working constantly. as an exotic, i'm thankful for whatever they do. doesn't mean i'm blinded and can't make my own decisions and blindly love every song that shinee, exo, or infinite put out. but i sincerely think that wolf has some serious potential, and i'm excited to see how it'll turn out. 


but then, there's the teaser. i thought it was cool. a little funny at some parts, perhaps (i'm looking at you Kai) but you can definitely see that the boys are definitely trying their hardest to portray their concept. i think it's a cool concept that they have going on, and you have to admit that little fight scene was pretty legit. a pretty good job at pulling off the werewolf concept, i think. 


but again, i see people posting comments like:

omg, exo has fallen so low.

what the fck are they doing?

i can already tell that this song is going to . 

ridiculous sht.

as an exotic, i'm embarrassed.


those really irk me. sure, i get it if you laughed. i laughed. it was pretty cute and endearing and I know that's what caused much laughter. and i know it may be a shock to some. sure, a little laugh is fine. but when it gets excessive, it's kinda annoying. especially when it's like one of those comments above. how would you feel if you worked so hard for a year+ only to be laughed at? I think we should just appreciate their hard work. I think exo protrayed the concept pretty well, probably better than most. and of course, it may have looked ridiculous at some parts. heck, you can see that they themselves are laughing at some parts. but to criticize and go on and on about how embarrassed you are is kinda rude. 

please take into consideration the fact that exo worked hard for this so we fans can listen to it. 

let's not judge too quickly about what the song and mv will be like. heck, the song isn't even out yet. at least wait until it's released before you start and groaning about how much you hate exo's comeback.  i understand if you don't like it, but would it hurt to be a little more respectful while expressing your opinion? artists are people too, and while they must be prepared to receive criticism, they still have feelings. 

can't we all just be happy that they're finally making a comeback? 



and you have to admit, that is some original concept they have going on there. and exo is extremely adorable with their trying to come off as ferocious wolves <3 

all in all, i'm pretty excited for exo's comeback. sorry for the rant. this was just really getting on my nerves. so much that i had to stop studying for finals while i'm sick just to write this. 


as some wonderful commentator said: 

EXO: they see us crawlin'....they hatin'. 


signing out. 



edit: and plus, didn't sm say that exo would be combined into one? well, in the leaked version, it was only exo k. i'm pretty sure that sm made changes since 5 months ago. T.T 

and here's a cute little scenario i found XD


SM: Alright, EXO, let's sit down and figure out a title track for your new album.

Kai: we could it up with My Lady *smirk*

D.O.: we could go with something romantic like Baby Don't Cry. *innocent smile*

SM:.... Geurae wolf naega wolf! AWOOO! Well that settles that. Good meeting, boys.

EXO: O...kay?


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Epicdoublefail #1
I love the song wolf, and honestly, people should stop insulting the song. Like they could make a song as incredible as THAT!!!!!
Thank you for pointing out how hard exo has worked. I just hope my unnies come to realize that one day instead of complaining about how stupid the song is (i loved it, btw. They pulled of the concept quite well and i think it kinda suit them.) This blog cheered me up a little so thanks again xD
-Thenuja xD
Omg you totally just spoke my mind. Like, some exotics just complain for one year about how exo doesn't have a comeback yet. And when they do have a comeback, those people just complain some more. Not that all exotics are like that, I think most of us just find the mv teaser very entertaining lol ><
I was laughing at the way they were growling at the camera, it looked kinda weird but it's understandable since people don't do that on a normal basis xD they got guts and courage to take on a difficult theme like that.
This rant is probably an elongated version of my blog post I made last night XDD
baekyeols #6
yeah exotics need to calm down. someone tracked the source and the leaked song was made by a fan. but i still like it :D
heh I'm not an Exotic.. but I like their songs and I found the wolf teaser quite cool.. although it was a bit weird at some parts XD