Holy Krisus! Beware of Twilight references...



This is so ASDFGHJKL!!!!!!!!!!! Okay,I give up being a Twihard!! I'll be a full time Hugs and Kisses/XOXO/Exotic!

Seriously,he looks like a crossbreed between Edward and Jacob. This is what would happen if Edward chooses Jacob over Bella. Their son would look like........asdfghjkl! HOLY KRISUS!!!!!!


Perhaps the song Wolf is about 8 wolves, a panda,a poodle,a deer and a baozi  chasing around a hawttttttt vamp on EXO planet. LOL


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midst_lhady22 #1
Hahah..yeah..what will happen if edward choose jacob than bella..it will the end of man's population
LOL, that was really funny. Well you're kinda correct about vampires. Coz they look like more like a vampire than wolves. They should have made their nails longer to make them more wolf like.
lawl I can live with that.fic idea!
a deer and baozi chasing around.

Lol-ed at this:
Perhaps the song Wolf is about 8 wolves, a panda,a poodle,a deer and a baozi chasing around a hawttttttt vamp on EXO planet. LOL