So...I Just Listened to EXO's Highlight Melody And...

Everything is solid EXCEPT for Wolf. OH MY GOD, SM DIDN'T MAKE ANY DRAMATIC CHANGES AT ALL! *facepalm to the 9th degree* What the hell! That song sounds so awkward...especially the Chinese version. I feel bad for them because they have to perform this song on stage until their next comeback (which will probably be a year from now since SM has too many groups)

"Baby" is actually pretty good. It's upbeat and soft, I like that a lot. I also like "365". And of course, I love the songs that have been part of their debut teasers like "Baby Don't Cry", "My Lady", "Let Out the Beast", etc. This album sounds so good...except for Wolf (I'm sorry, I still can't get over that).

Like I mentioned in my previous posts, I really want "Let Out the Beast" to be their title track because it's catchy and the song fulfills their supernatural needs. Like come on, they could still be wolves in "Let Out the Beast". But noooooooooooo, SM is determined to use Wolf. I really want to know what they were thinking when they picked this song. Ugh.


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Because the song was written by SooMan's son, (A.K.A sunny's cousin) who isn't very experienced, they wanted it to only be in the album but not the song they comeback with..
Wolf is okay, but why as the main song? 365 is much better! Sm is crazy
Yeah..They didn't change Wolf that much -_- I wish they did but yeah
But to be honest, I almost cried when I heard the songs and Peter Pan was somewhere inbetween them..dunno where but I know they had to include it lol I am just happy that they are comming back to us! hahaha
I'm so agree with you.
Lupta25 #5
I agree let out the beast is better than wolf. And I think it fits better with the concept.