that girl is going to get bashed and I'm worried about her

He kissed her cheek. Deal with it. Don't bash her. I bet you delulu fans will haunt her sns accounts and call her names like, , or whatever you delulu disgusting stupid idiotic brainless fans like to call the poor girl. you guys. It's not like you own these kpop idols. They can kiss and whoever they want, on cam or off cam. So shut up.


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if its a make out session then fangirls should really react like 'that'.. A kiss in the cheeks is normal nowadays :)
Agreed. Haven't seen the MV but come on people my goodness. It's just a kiss on the cheek, nothing to get upset over at those fans need to let it go and get over it -__-
So true, the peck on the cheek isn't a big deal at all...
I have a feeling that a lot of EXOtice are already sending her threats...
It'll be really horrible if the rumor is true that the girl is 14 years old and getting threats by some of the fans that is older than her...