∞o x y g e n ↷ cherry hong





{ o x y g e n }

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(Replace with picture of your ulzzang 600px x 400px)



■ The real you~

Username : here!

What's your name? : umm, call me jee!

Activeness : approx. 9ish, 10.


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■ Future star here~

Name :

- english birthname: Cherry Hong

- chinese name: Hong Xia (康 霞)

- goes by either Cheli (체리) (simply romanization of Cherry, also her preference) or Kang, Ha (강하) in Korea; 

Age | Date of birth : 22, turning 23 | 90/07/16

Ethnicity/Nationality : 1/2 Chinese, 1/2 Caucasian (French, Native American, English/British)

Place of birth | Hometown : Born and raised  in Sydney, Austraila.

Languages :

- Completely Fluent in: English, Mandarin Chinese.

- Conversational and Casual Korean.

- Extremely basic Japanese.


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 You're so pretty~

Ulzzang : Kayleen Franklin

Pictures : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Backup Ulzzang : Chloe Wang

Pictures : 1 | 2 | 3 

Height | Weight : 170 cm | 54 kg

Blood Type : type A

Appearance : she has nothing out of the ordinary.


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■ In my style~

Style : everything about her sense of fashion just screams (politely) feminine and soft apparel; light colors, stockings, jeans and shorts that help and conture to her specific body shape, skirts and dress that look like they just fell off the runway - Cherry likes to keep herself on a neat-keep, and rarely ever goes out without wearing something she planned and put together ahead of time. even the clothing stylists don't plan outfits as far ahead as she does.

In few words : feminine, girly.

Casual : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Formal : 1 - 2 - 3

Dorm style : 1 - 2 - 3

Rehearsal Style : same as both casual and dorm styles.


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■ More about yourself~

Personality : there are very much two sides to Cherry - one is the mask she tends to show the world; a cool and distant beauty who simply smiles and nods at what goes on around her and appears to have very little clue as to what people are saying and doing, and the other is the caring, relaxed but also stressed side. being raised the way she was, Cherry never talks about her personal issues with those around her and rather sit and solve her problems herself. however, she is quick to help anyone else who is in trouble or is in a great amount of turmoil. she is often very self-sacrificing, but catches quietly onto moments where she can get what she wants. she's a whole lot darker than most would think.

Qualities : soft, laidback, content, sister-like.

Flaws : stressed, manipulative, cunning.


Hobbies :

- she really likes to make candles...and give them as gifts.

- paper crafts; such as scrap-booking and origami.

- she has a bonsai tree she keeps up on, she thinks its cute.

Likes : 

- pastel colors, especially light purple and blue colors.

- the smell of spices, like rosemary and basil.

- watching movies and documentaries.

- plants, like her bonsai tree.

Dislikes : 

- the color red, despite her name being Cherry.

- country music.

- learning instruments; she's bad at it.

- having to cook, but she'll do it if she has to.

Habits :

- hums to herself often, but its never a humming of any particular song or tune.

- constantly crosses and uncrosses her legs when sitting.

- her tone of voice changes depending on her mood.

Trivia : 

- was/is depressed; likes to believe she's gotten much better at handling and overcoming it.

- wants to be a spokesperson on behalf of teen suicide awareness.

- likes acting, and sees it as a way to live like someone else for an amount of time.

- does a lot of things with a lack of facial expression. nicknamed 'blank queen' by her fans.

- can't swim; has a fear of large bodies of water, too.

- oddly good at jumping on a pogo stick.


Background :

family and personal history are two things Cherry despises  and never talks about, ever.

her father never earned the title of 'daddy', since he was hardly home. George Hong was often away at work, or so he says, as Cherry began to believe he was cheating on her mother from the age of thirteen. her mother is a whole-nother story; a woman who made it through college just to never use the masters degree she recieved because of her husbands traditional mind-set. Cherry loved her mother dearly, still does, but had to focus primarily on herself ever since her aunt came to stay with them. she never understood by her aunt just seemed so lonely. she soon came to understand that her aunt wasn't well - whatever that meant at the time. that same aunt died from an overdose in Cherry's late teen years, and the depression must have passed onto Cherry herself, because throughout her trainee days and her beginning months of living in Korea (thanks to her uncle), there wasn't and hasn't been a day that passed where she thinks of what it would be like if she never existed. she's just gotten better at thinking much more positively.


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■ The ones you love~

Family :

Father : George Hong | 56 | Alive | strict, rugged, hardworking

Mother : Miranda Appleby-Hong | 50 | Alive | cheery, busy-body, nimble

Siblings : none - Cherry is very much a single child, and quite happy about that.

Others : 

Aunt (on mothers side) | Dyna Appleby | 52 | Dead | cold, distant, aloof

Uncle (on fathers side) | Bernard Hong | 54 | Alive| clever, observing, friendly



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■ You are a star, now~

Position :

-Main Singer, Visual

-Lead Singer, Lead Dancer

-Sub-Vocal, Lead Rapper

- i'm okay with her being leader~!

Stage name : Cherry

Persona : The Queen Type

Fanclub name : Sweets -- from the imagery of cherries of top of ice cream...which is usually sweet.



Years of training  : 3 years

How your character got into AE Entertainment : Cherry will often make it clear she was off and on with the idea of being an idol, and despite the fact she got in through her uncle and his connection doesn't make her regret the idea she was planning to quit. she just turned 20, was well on her way to study at an university in China and was gifted a visit by a recruiter for the company her uncle Bernard worked for. she couldn't sing too greatly, but Cherry was talented enough to get herself pushed through two back-to-back auditions. Cherry was transferred to AE Entertainment from the company in China four months into training, and has been there ever since.

How was trainee life? : she sorta just kept to herself. no one bothered her, she didn't talk very much to the other trainees, and Cherry seriously reconsidered debuting or not. however, she was kept back for reasons she hasn't revealed to anyone (there was a particular guy who managed to encourage her enough to stay in korea, and he talked her out of suicide once. that man is what she calls her secret hero, her knight in shining armor.)

Pre-debut information : made brief cameos in small-time dramas, and lent her voice as a voice actor for childrens cartoons back in China.

After-debut activities : acting in dramas and movies, that is all n_n


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■ All my love is for you~

Love interest : Jung Byunghee (G.O) | MBLAQ | 25 | Male

Personality : G.O is skillful in the art of talking, making his point clear without being rude, and he's deeply caring for those he holds dear. He does put on the act of being 'very manly', and a ladies man, but in the end...that's just not all of him. Byunghee is a romantic at heart, not just of a love-type romance, but of one regarding deep connections with everyone he knows. he's a peoples person, and tries to make everyone happy. thankfully, he's able to balance out his own needs, and his worries and concerns of others. sure, it drains him out, however it makes him glad in the end.

Qualities : romantic, smooth-talking, realistic, mature, honest, considerate

Flaws : prankster, ocd, proud

Meeting : Cherry met all of MBLAQ briefly backstage during her times as a backup dancer. G.O caught her eye from the very beginning, and it was believed to have been mutual, as he approached her instead of vice versa. She was pretty much smitten from that day onward.

Closeness : ( eight/nine...ish? ;; ) this is her knight in shining armor. despite the fact Cherry's Korean is out of whack when it comes to communication, they're still able to talk and chat about anything at anytime. their relationship is kept quiet, though, since she's debuting and he's already been an idol for some time. he doesn't want people thinking she's using him for fame, and she doesn't want to put him under fire at all for being with her.

Backup love interest : Kim Sunggyu | Infinite | 24 | Male

Ending : i know this will probably come off bad or something but...could they end up married withpossiblyababyontheway?


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■ Like diamonds, best friends are forever~

Best friends : (Between 1 and 2. Best friends can be idols or OCs, but I would prefer it it they were Idols. Include a picture of the OC hyperliked to the name, if possible)

1 → Victoria Song | f(x) | 26 | Female | Sweet, 4D, lovable, motherly

Relationship : 

→ Eight! their fathers are friends, they can speak the same language, so they kinda grew up with one another...sorta. penpals and such until the day Cherry landed her rear in South Korea and now they're besties, pretty much.

Friends : 

1 → Amber Liu | f(x) | 20 | female | bubbly, friendly, dork, amusing

→ Zhou Mi | SJ-M | 27 | male | fashionable, sociable, lively, optimistic

Relationship : (Also include how you met, how you act around each other and how close you are on a scale of 1 to ten. 1 being strangers, 10 being joined at the hip. Obviously, regular friends should be around 4 to 7...)

→ 4~ they met through Victoria, bonded over English speaking skills, and have been pals ever since.

 6. also connected through family, she talks to him often and they sometimes joke about being an arranged marriage (it drives fans insane).



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 You better run, run, run~

Rival :  Park Gyuri | Kara | 25 | Female 

Personality : she puts off an aura of 'I'm this much better and prettier than you', and whether not it's a legit thought that crosses her mind isn't clear. Gyuri does things when she wants, and lives life at her pace without buying mind to those who are bothered by her or the way she decides to live. on the bright side, nothing gets to her...but everyone else gets frustrated.

Qualities : Carefree, self-reliant

Flaws : Rude, inconsiderate

Relationship : they'll met sometime after o x y g e n's debut, perhaps on a radio show where the frustration in Cherry's voice can be detected and the rest of the group end up having to answer for her. Cherry is simply a bit butthurt, but thinks her frustration is justified. she gets put off by Gyuri when ever she's in the picture.

Ending : they can end up friends, i truly don't mind what happens.


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 Question time!~


Has your character ever had plastic surgery?  nope. afraid of going under the knife.

Has your character ever had scandals in the past? : none, she's boring and has no shame in it :(

If yes, what was it about and when? : 


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■ Nearly there...

Comments : kekekekekekeee! finally done and everything @__@ i hope i did okay, please tell me if i messed up on anything!

Scene request : secret meetings between G.O and Cherry where they're all romance-y and stuff. a random day where Cherry is making candles for the dorm and other idols. um, yeah...that's all i've got. 




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