
Just came back from walking after a taking a shower of course, and I'm about to show you guys my progress today. How many steps I walked in total, blah, blah, blah.

June 2, 2013

Duration: 24.52 (24 minutes and 52 seconds)

Start time: 9:46 AM

End time: 10:11 AM

Calories: 152

Steps: 2, 426

June 2, 2013

Duration: 28.33 (28 minutes and 33 seconds)

Start time: 6:16 PM

End time: 6:44 PM

Calories: 123

Steps: 1,960

So I did pretty good? I was planning on going over 1,960, but the minute I got inside of the driveway to my house I had accidentally pressed the stop button. So it would have been much higher than that. Still it's alright. Now what I am about to show you next is going to be my Weekly Step Total and my Monthly Step Total.

Weekly Step Total: 4,386

Monthly Step Total: 6, 224

Not too bad~ I'm aiming for 50,000 at least that. Since I can't go walking on Monday or Tuesday this week (it's thunderstorms) I'm going have to wait. Other than that I can still just dance around all day long and do the excercises I do in Gym class. Plus I can just wake up more earlier (like 7 o'clock; depending on if my sister CAN wake up at the time) and go walking with me.



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