Can't I ?!!

I just wanna hear 4 simple words.

I've always wanted to hear them.

From my mom's mouth.

These words.

"Did I hurt you?"

Those words.

She never asks me those words.

Even when I was hospitalized for a month because of an accident, not even a single second she bothered to ask.

Even when I said I was hurt by her words, she never asked.

She just kept nagging at me and hurt me.

What did I do that's so wrong to her?

What did I do until she feels not like my own mother.

What did I do that God sends this mom to me?

I feel like, no one loves me anymore now.

I don't want someone to say 'I love you' to me because I ask them to, but they want to say it themselves.

I am such a crybaby!

I am such a rebel!

Why did I even being born in this world?


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Haeysoo #1
be strong!!
My grandmother used to say
all the things that happen there must be some wisdom..
everythingys #2
Be strong saengie..... i hope u gets your happiness in the future... btw... ilove you! Always support you
Yah. I'm always here for you, dear.
Hani...all can I say is Keep Calm okay? Be strong..You have me and monseobie unnie! *hugs you* I hope I can be your real sister to comfort you whenever you cry or having a problem...
Be strong okay?
I basically agree with the commenter below below me
Awah... Don't ask why u were born to this world dongsaeng
Ur amazing! And if ur mum doesn't see that well she blind
But u deserve all the love in the world n I'm not saying this just coz u need it
I'm saying this coz I mean it!
Don't say that because of this.. You were on born on earth to do good deeds not to questionize why you born. Just be thankful that atleast have a mother.. Theres many of other people out there that dont even know their own mother. Just be thankful for that. Your mother took care of you when you were in her tummy for 9 months. Those must be agonizing 9 months but your mother loves you so much until she just kept going taking care of you. And maybe what you mom is doing right now is for your own good but about the hurting and all shouldnt be done theres plenty of other ways to teach you to be a better person. Just stay calm and pray to ALLAH as HE is the only person you can ask help from.
she's your mom..
your one and only your mother..
maybe she dont said it because she thaught she already knew her daughter very well.. :')

*lagypun someone ada pesan at unnie, 'jangan tertanya2 knapa mak hanny yang jadi mak hanny.. tapi fikirkan kenapa ALLAH beri mak hanny kepada hanny*

mak hanny tetap mak hanny.. baik buruk dy tetap mak hanny.. lagypun unnie pun selalu jadi macam hanny.. bila unnie komplen at kngkawang unnie mula la kengkawan unnie bagi tazkirah a.k.a ceramah free at mana2 pun even tgah shopping..
malu btoi orang tgok!
tapi takpa unnie tahu diaorang uat macam tuh sebab nak pulihkan keadaan antara unnie ngan mak unnie.. hehe
lastt2 apa yang unnie buat hanya pendam.. apapun i'll always here for you!! ^^
FIGHTING saeng-ah!
Awww that's very sad i hate it when that happens it's ok i'm with you everything you wrote is true. my mom says things that is rude she never says "did i hurt you" so your not just the only one :)