On track.

So I've just came back from walking and taking a shower. Damn it was a long walk! My sister and me went walking around the neighborhood and then to the park. Luckily we took some two minute breaks, for my legs to stop tensing up, then kept on going. I have to admit since there are a couple of ditches, and rumors of alligators being found in them, I kept holding onto her wrist so I wouldn't be scared. She told me this "You're older than me but you're holding onto my wrist. Let me go!" so I told her to shut up and I'll let go of her hand when we reached the church down the street from our neighborhood. Right now I'm recovering from that and after I finished my shower I ate a banana -- I hope it doesn't do anything to throw me off -- and having a glass of cold iced water. I would take a picture of myself now, but there's no way for me to do it. My Android Tablet doesn't have snapshot (as in like a countdown timer) and my computer doesn't allow me to take a picture without leaving from it, soo... yeah. Plus I don't have a camera and it's just horrible. I do have one but the battery thingy won't close up -- meaning without that being fixed the camera is un-useable.

Enough of me rambling on and stuff. Let's get to my statistics. Oh! I forgot, when my sister held my iPod for me, so I could get a glass of water she accidentally pressed stop and it caused me to start the thing back over again. I told her it was okay (even though I literally cussed her out saying 'You why the did you press it?!' I know I'm harsh...) and we continued our walk. ANYWAYS HERE WE GO.

P.S. we couldn't go walking this morning it was raining and she wouldn't wake up at the time I specifically told her to.

June 4, 2013 (Part 1)

Duration: 33.55 (33 minutes and 55 seconds)

Start time: 3:25 PM

End time: 3:59 PM

Calories: 185

Steps: 2,942

June 4, 2013 (Part 2)

Duration: 22.25 (22 minutes and 25 seconds)

Start time: 3:59 PM

End time: 4:22 PM

Calories: 106

Steps: 1,682

Need I say that a dog chased us? Yes a ing dog chased us. I don't know what breed it was all I know is, it was black, had pointed ears, and was a guard dog. Oh and during the walk I kind of danced to Wolf by EXO and when my sister heard me say "Nugdaewa minyeo" she was like "what are you saying?" so I told her I don't know. (Like seriously IDK XDD) Alright enough playing around. Now for the total of the calories, steps, and time put together.

Total of calories: 291

Total of steps: 4,624

Total of time: 55.8 (55 minutes and 8 seconds)

That's nearly an hour. AN HOUR! I did great and my steps are over 2,000 (because I walked longer than what I should have but I don't care; my mom didn't care either)! Lastly is my Weekly Step Total, Monthly Step Total and Step Goal.

Weekly Step Total: 13,309

Monthly Step Total: 15,147

Step Goal: 50,000

I'm still kind of chubby but I'm pretty sure it will go away as soon as I stop eating meat and eat more fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately my family barely buys fruits and veggies so I'm gonna have to stop eating. I don't even know... I mean I'm going to eat just not as much. I plan on waking early in the mornings, like probably 8:30, and eat then have lunch at 2:30 PM, then eat dinner at around 5 or 6. Possibly sleep if I can. Anyways I'm doing great and I'm sorry this blog post is so long!!


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It's ok, I like reading long blogs if it has a point. XD
Anyways, I was really hoping you could post your picture but then yeah.. But it's ok. Wow, you're doing great. Keep it up!~ ^^