What kind of wolf would each EXO member be?

Chanyeol:the wolf that stares at you and thinks your exquisite and as delicious as a piece of cheese

Kris:the wild wolf that smells you and would eat you up all elegantly cause you smell sweet to him

Kai:the wolf that is special and can't quit his addiction of you

Sehun:the wolf who's mad at all the other wolf's cause they've fallen for a beautiful girl

Baekhyun:the wolf that is simple and just wants to eat you in one bite

D.O.:the different wolf that let's temptation get the best of him and eventually just wants to eat you

Suho:the wolf that wants you and knows your scared and you can't handle your situation

Lay:the wolf that is a sweetheart and falls in love with you

Xiumin:the wolf that thinks your beautiful

Luhan:the wolf that is hypnotized into eating you

Tao:the wolf that calls you his own possession

Chen:the wolf that can't let you go


Hehe, which one do you prefer? :3


Credits to the respective owner


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Lol it's base on the lyrics of their individual parts XD
HAHAHAHA! Oh I love it! *tear wipe*
LOL Kai, I am so like him, anyway lol
Chen ~~ :3