I am SO frustrated -.-'

Oh my God I'm so frustrated I can't even -.-;;' 

Soooo people say that SM might not release the WOLF Drama MV, because a few 12-yo girls - who still live in their fantasy world where they own Kai - doesn't like the fact that Kai gave ONE. SMALL. KISS. ON THE ING CHEEK. to a SM trainee. 

Sorry, but I'm pretty sure he's done muuuuch worse things with girls before, eheheh. Or at least wants to. (He IS a big btw, not innocent AT ALL...) 

So yeah... 

I think the girls who wanted to seperate Kai and the girl at the airport, ending up scaring the out of the girl, and making Luhan angry, should feel SO ashamed of themselves. 

STOP behaving like animals, seriously. You don't ing own an idol, and one day - like it or not - Kai WILL find a girlfriend who is NOT you, and she'll be one of the luckiest girls in the world, so don't bash her because of that! 


So if we don't get the MV because of you few girls, who can't face the truth (even though the MV is a freaking act where Kai doesn't even remember the kiss (sourse: Sukira)), then don't be a K-pop fan. Worse things have happened in a MV before. A kiss on the cheek is nothing. You're giving the EXO fandom a bad name.



Rin, a frustrated shawol/exotic.


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