
Yesterday me and my bff went to this festival together called 'Street Delivery'.

They basically closed a street and organized all kinds of art events - dance, concerts, tattoo shops, graffiti and stuff.

It was SO COOL!

Quasar - the company where we take dance classes organized an open dance class and we COULD NOT MISS IT!

So we went there and waited for 2 hours before the "class" actually started but it was WORTH waiting!

I haven't got any pictures or videos yet, but I hope people will post them so I can show you, because we kicked !

Me and my bff were the best female dancers there since we were the only ones who actually took classes and the guys were all in the advanced dance class, except for a couple of random people who joined.

We learnt a choreography on How low can you go by Ludacris and then we had a battle!


I'm gonna show you some random photos, though, because I like them. So go ahead if you want to see them AND I'll be making another blog post about what else we did and how we got more than lucky and escaped a disguting ert. Stay tuned!

The baddest female style:



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OOOO that sounds sooo cool! LOL I can't believe we are both now officially performers ;)
Wow!! I love your style!! Sooo coooollll!! :)
Park_HyeSun #3
The festival sounds interesting. c: I'm pretty sure you guys had fun, ^^