
As much as I would like to spazz out about how cute Chanyeol looks in this GIF there's just something that makes me feel a little angry. Notice how while he's yelling at someone or something there's flashes of cameras. Now I know that recently Chanyeol had some kind of laser eye surgery and he couldn't have cameras flashing at his eyes. Seeing the flashes of the camera in this GIF reminded me of it. I don't know if his eyes are doing okay or not, but from the looks of it when he blinked after the flash came to his face it might not be alright. Park Chanyeol, I hope you get well soon we Exotics love you <333


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awww, i hope he's okay
2minlover #2
poor baby Chanyeol. People really need to back off of EXO! i mean come one you guys, they are humans too. Not gods or something. Give them the proper space and time they need.
saguilar #3
Poor Chanyeol, people need to back off, if he was saying to stop they should listen.
What video is this?
What video is that from??
I thought Chanyeol already had eye surgery awhile back unless he had another one...
Why did he have laser eye surgery?
He seems like he was annoyed by something...