For the M&M's and Min-Lovers


Mir mentions Min. Begins at 8:27
I noticed Joonie was quick to come to her defense.
No need to make it so obvious. We know you get jealous easily.

*Sigh* So much Min being mentioned everywhere lately. I can't get enough.
In fact here is a Bonus Video where Peniel mentions Min.

So - Aside from being mentioned in these two shows, our lovely Min has made appearances so far in...
1000 Song Challenge with Fei (They Won!)
All The Kpop with Fei (Summer Special)
All the Kpop with Jia (MBlaq Special)

-Anyone know any more, let me know.

Hopefully, we can see more of her on a lot of variety shows, and preferably she can become a permanent host or special MC for ATKP, since they love her so much. I still have high-hopes to see her in a drama soon. She's such a great actress and she has a cute yet tough image that can really go with a lot of different genres and storylines. I just wish they give her that chance soon.



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faithydoodles24 #1
Again, I agree! haha. I really wish that she becomes a permanent part or cast of a variety show like in OhMySchool or in any show or drama. Seeing Min every week is really fun and like a stress reliever somehow! :))
I'm so happy~
She is completely underrated.