Life Rant #1...

Currently in my junior year of highschool and it's already hell.

I have classes with noone I know, at all.

That includes lunch so I barely even eat anymore because I end up going to the libraray to do work. 

Hm what else...people ing . 

There are times in class where I don't feel like speaking at all and there's always that one head that goes "Oh quiet down there.." (Sarcastically).

I don't understand why some people feel the need to speak 24/7. The people that talk the most in my classes are the ones that make themselves look like idiots. I like being silent, I like having thoughts that say more than the words coming out of my mouth ever could. 

I also don't understand teachers, its like I have a sign plastered on my forehead saying: CALL ON ME. I always seem to be the target for them to "randomly" call on.. 

Basically, so far this year has been ty, I honestly want to believe that it'll get better but who knows. 



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