I'm drunk and really wanting my readers to stop being silent :/

Warning, before I start, I'm really ing drunk right now. I've just drank a beer and one and a half 2/6s of Bacardi Rum to my self. Ahem. I love that people love my writing, I do. I have 900 views on Lonely Place To Die and some on stories I haven't even started yet. What bothers me is I know that I need to correct my writing, and I want comments to tell me how. I also love long comments that tell me what good I've done, because I do hate my writing and I like to know how people have enjoyed it. Please write comments, and pelase press the little arrow thingy at the top of the story and up vote me, I've had 900 views and four up votes. Come on guys, it's a click of a button for the lvo og God. Pess it. Comment, Up vote. I love hearing good things, all writers do, but I also wanna hear what. You guys want in the sotyr to make it better. Just. Tell. Me. What. You. Want. And up vote. Tons. .....have I mentioned how ipmuch o love autocorrect? It helped write this relatively sane hahaha~ PLEASE DO SO That way I can Update faster sicn ei know what you guys want. Thank you.


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author, your writing is perfect in every way and you should be proud over your work (one of my dear subscribers told me thins and I think you should know this too). And be careful for your health! Don't drink too much and become ill ^^
Oh, my drunk, drunk dongsaeng.
I'm probably in a slightly less state drunken state than you, because I'm still able to make sense of things.

I love leaving comments on your amazingness~