Disturbing Things OTL

     A lot of disturbing things happened to me today.

1) My brother and I talked on the phone...About his OTP

2) My mother informed me that my dog got ...By another male dog

3) I ate a Tootsie Roll Pop...It's been awhile

4) I read the first chapter of A Little Thing Called: Being an Idol...I nearly jumped off a bridge


      My brother's OTP is Baekyeol, by the way. I nearly cried when he told me that. I was expecting him to be like "Taeny" or something. Nope. Baekyeol. Oh, yes, and the dog that my dog (Tokki, he's a Chocolate Lab), was a German Shepherd/Great Dane mix. ing huge. Poor Tokki got it up the . ;A; That Tootsie Roll Pop was delicious, it was chocolate. And the first chapter of my first ever story...Dear Lord, please don't send me to Writing Prison for that. I know I've done wrong, but I really didn't mean to. OTL


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My favourite OTP is Baekyeol too xD
You're lucky because your brother actually listens to kpop, my brothers hates kpop ==