My EXO feels are not calm

Those who have an EXO bias picked out, I envy you. How did you do it. Like seriously. Since the beginning I have not been able to pick out one bias. It's like 1 second Chanyeol does something amazing then 2 seconds after Baekhyun does something cute and amazing then not even a second after that Chen does something asddfghjkl worthy. So in the matter of like 4 seconds I've changed biases 3 times -.- what is this?! At first I thought I had it all figured out though. My biases were Kris, Chen and Luhan for EXO-M & Chanyeol and Baekhyun for EXO-K. Now.. I seriously don't know anymore. There's only a couple of members that I can say are not exactly competitors for the bias title. & that's:

- Sehun

- Tao

- Lay

- Xiumin 


& the rest... HNNG. How can I have 8 biases? ; A ; how?! I recently 'decided' it was Chanyeol and Kris BUT whenever I've thought about buying EXO personalized merch I tend to want to get Chen things D: so what? Does that mean I have 3 biases? Or does that mean Chen is my hidden bias? Even though Chanyeol... ugh I can't with him. How the hell do I decide? HOW. I Can't. I just wish I could. So I could go around claiming him as mine and stuff & what am I supposed to do if there comes a time where I have to pick ONE member to give my attention to. Like say I'm at a fan signing and I can only get ONE autograph; who would I pick? I don't freakin' know D: Like seriously I need help ;; someone help me figure out who my true bias is cuz dis girl seems to have no clue ; ~ ; 







Like seriously! Choose between THEM? HOW. HOW I ASK YOU. 


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