OTP Quiz

OTP Quiz 

Pick your 10 top OTPs without reading the questions, and then answer the questions

  • JongBaek
  • XiuHan
  • MinKey
  • KyuHae
  • NielJoe
  • PenHyuk
  • ShinChan
  • ChenRis
  • SeKai


1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?

TOP/SE7EN - I've actually been shipping them for a long time now. I think it all started with this video.


2. Have you ever read a Fan Fiction about 2?

XiuHan - Of course I have! I would link the name of the first one I read but I can't remember (it was most likely a ). 


3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr?

KyuHae - It was my home screen picture on my iPod for a little while before I replaced it with a picture of SHINee. I haven't deleted the picture yet so I may switch it back in a few weeks.


4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?

PenHyuk - I'm guessing you meant if their band broke up. Um... I don't think I'd really be phased by it 'cause I know that Peniel and Minhyuk will keep in touch. Especially since Minhyuk has an Instagram account now. Lots and lots of mutual picture liking.


5. Why is 1 so important?

JongBaek - I've just started shipping them and looking for more interaction so I can't fully answer this question the way I want to. Honestly, I think it's because Jonghyun is someone Baekhyun finds comfort in and having skinship with. He seems to light up when he sees him and although Jonghyun doesn't exactly act the same way, you can see how much he likes being in his presence too.


6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?

ShinChan - Serious ship, oh God. It's also kind of an opposites-attract type of ship. Gongchan is upbeat and positive and a happy-go-lucky kind of guy while CNU prefers to sit back and just observe people and his surroundings. But my answer is serious ship.


7. Out of all of the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?

TOP/SE7EN - Have you seen when they've gone on the same programs together? That's all I need to say.


8. Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?

TOP/SE7EN - This is kind of an easy question since they are best friends, but also, I read this article where SE7EN was upset and a bit sad because before he went on stage with TOP, they had promised to not wear any insoles or at least the same height of insoles and when they stood together, SE7EN noticed that TOP was taller than him (they're both the same height). Afterwards, he felt betrayed because TOP had promised him.


9. How many times have you read/watched 10’s fandom?

SeKai - They're from EXO. Must I say more?


10. Which ship has lasted the longest?

KyuHae - I'd say KyuHae since they're the ones that debuted the earliest. They debuted in 2005, so KyuHae's been sailing for almost eight years now.


11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?

TOP/SE7EN - Disbanded or...? Well, I guess once since SE7EN is currently in the army serving his military term.


12. If the world was suddenly into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?

ShinChan (8) - ShinChan hands down! I was actually going to write a multi-chaptered about this. I don't know what it is but I feel like CNU would kick with a shotgun and Gongchan would look so ing y with an AK-47, hot damn! I can see it now: CNU and Gongchan back-to-back fighting off a horde of 'em.


13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?

PenHyuk - I don't think so? I mean, Minhyuk just pretty much put their whole relationship out their when he showed the whole world what type of skinship Peniel does when he's holding hands or walking with someone.


14. Is 4 still together?

KyuHae - Again, band wise? Band wise, then yes, they are. Ship wise, no, they aren't because there's a certain amount of KyuMin and EunHae going on and I don't like it. Frowny face. But KyuHae's sailing quite steadily even with all of the KyuMin and EunHae. Exhibit A, B, C, and D.


15. Is 10 canon?

SeKai - Sort of. I don't exactly know the official meaning of 'canon' so bare with me here. They're not the top ship but they're getting there. This is my favorite fanfiction to read that features SeKai. It is an NC-17, so don't say I didn't warn you.


16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?

TOP/SE7EN or ShinChan - I'm leaning more towards TOP/SE7EN because they just give off that I'll-ing-kill-your--if-you-touch-him type vibe, right? Plus TOP is going to be enlisting soon and with SE7EN already enlisted, what's there to go wrong? I also said ShinChan because they're both very smart so I think their intelligence would come in handy when it comes to how they'd take out each of their opponents.


17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?

NielJoe - I'd have to say CAP. He's sabotaging everything! First it was Niel, then it was Chunji, and now it's L.Joe. Nope, I don't wanna ship it. I refuse to ship CAPjoe.


18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?

TOP/SE7EN or KyuHae - I say TOP/SE7EN because they're perfect for each other and they make each other so happy. KyuHae because the between them is through the roof and they go together beautifully.


19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?

MinKey - I mean, I follow a lot of SHINee blogs and sometimes I see Minho and Key together. Does that count?


20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?

PenHyuk - Sorry guys but they'd have to go. I used to ship them so hard but I don't know what happened. If I could put a ship in their place, I'd nominate DongSoo.



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