Polarize - Jaya - Escape Artistry

Song Jaya
June 23
Date of Birth: June 23, 1993 
Ulzzang: Park Soo Yeon
Birthplace & Hometown: Busan, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean American
Languages: English & Korean Fluent, Basic/Broken Chinese and Japanese
Personality Traits: Jaya doesn't trust people not even those she is close to (anyone can hurt you) Shy and a bit cold and doesn't put herself into the spot of attention, not on purpose but her mysterious aura tends to get her noticed anyways. She loves hugs from those she does actually trust and get close to. Otherwise she hates skinship. Is never satisfied and so she is always practicing.
Love Interest: Yixing
Short Interaction:The only time her cold exterior seems to crack is when Yixing is around. He scolds her for being careless when she practices her powers as she may escape situations but she is not always unharmed from them. She likes how his Korean is broken and finds it cute.
Persona: Dark Angel
Power: Escape Artistry
Explain Your Power: Escapes captivity when seemingly impossible. Her mind analyzes each situation. She can disappear in the shadows and has great skills in parkour that come very handy with her ability.
cOMMENTS: Wah it's insane how hard it was to find an abliity not alreayd taken but hopefully I did this right.
pASSWORD: Cancer



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