The episode talks about pre-winning and post-winning. Scenes of the encore stage (where the old-line is carried by maknae line is shown) and also bits and pieces of the VOODOO stages were shown too. 

I just-

The tear-streaked face of Taekwoon... The post-crying eyes of Taekwoon and Wonshik... Hakyeon hugging Taekwoon to comfort him made Hakyeon look like a mother but aww bromance. 

It just amazes me to see how these 6 boys hugged each other from the stage all the way to the waiting room. It tells me that these 6 boys are not just performers, they are friends, they are one family. THEY ARE VIXX. 

Also, the part where Hakyeon says that we Starlights have waited for very long for this moment, made me cry... AGAIN. 

It's not about thanking the fans, it's how they showed themselves to be the VIXX they are. They love their fans a lot and they show it. They say thank you to us first, and not the CEO (Sorry Hwang Seijun sajangnim), not their family but US, the Starlights. Even before their win they have been showering us lots of love. The fans who can actually see them live, should know. 

Pre-friday where they won, I was still quite worried because Hakyeon's tweets were quite solemn. He was not the lively Hakyeon I thought I knew he was. In fansite photos, he was not smiling as much as well. I thought he was going through a hard period. So I was wishing for them to get a number one so that he would be happy and all. THANKFULLY, the number one did make him smile more. 

Besides Hakyeon, someone started smiling more after the win. TAEKWOON!~~~ 

This shy boy decided to smile more, not just smile when he is asked to, but rather the ends of his lips are no longer in a straight line but slightly curved upwards. He smiles a lot during the fanmeets/fansigns too. I am so proud of him for opening up so much. Notice in the video as well where his lips are slightly curved up as he speak, showing how happy he really is because he can no longer hide his smile (; 

Jaehwan also said that "Because there are Starlights, VIXX exists." Jaehwan is wrong... "BECAUSE there is VIXX, Starlights exist." Okay well it goes both ways. It's just like UKISS' and KISSME's relationship, without ukiss threre isn't kissmes, without kissmes, there wouldn't be ukiss (sorry fandom reference) 

Hongbin, you don't have to thank Park Hyoshin but you did, okay kudos to you fanboy.

WONSHIK cried probably the most after Taekwoon. Well, this little boy has many to cry about. This album has quite a bit of his compositions, with Secret Night as the main title song of his compositions. (It's a really good song for those who haven't heard please do!) This would mean that Starlights and Koreans recognise the efforts of his composition (and also the groups' efforts in the album) so well done Wonshik :D

Hyuk, the true manly man who promised not to cry. Thank God for him because I would have cried harder if it wasn't for his smiles during the part where Hakyeon did his thanking speech. Surprisingly though, that the maknae is not crying. OLLEH TO THE MAKNAE. 


Now, if you may, comment on your feels about the video, about their win so I know what other Starlights are thinking about! :D 


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