

this is the schedule for the musical The Moon Embracing The Sun, and as you can see, Seohyun is just given one day out of 12 to perform... and the heartbreaking part is that she's not paired with kyuhyun T_T


she's paired with Jeon Dong Seok...


I'm so mad right now, I mean, I know it's her first time to act in a musical, but even her other unnies who first acted in a musical wasn't treated this way, how can they only give seohyun one set for the whole musical schedule??? even the director said that he believes in her talent, but now, why did you give her just one slot???


I hate this feeling so much, with this news, I have no hopes anymore for SeoKyu T_T


I really hate SM how they treat Seohyun, really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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it's only for January... and it's probably because they're having a comeback
No it's the schedule only for January. They didn't release the February Schedule yet. Also, SNSD has a comeback in January so she will be busy with promotions for all of January. There will be more/mainly Seo in February and they made a poster for SeoKyu that means SeoKyu will be paired together in February. And the Director picked SeoKyu for a reason so don't worry they will have performances together in February
maknaewire #3
Calm down dear kkk the schedule for february is still not released yet. Maybe seohyun will perform with kyu on feb and have many performance later :))