Tagged by falliblefantasy

The Rules:
1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
01  What season/ weather is it for you now? What's beautiful about it?
It is winter (I think... Or late autumn... It is the winter holidays though...). I realize some really beautiful flowers bloom in the cold.
02  Have you ever wished to step into the shoes of someone else and experience his/ her life just for a little bit? If so, who and why?
Well... If we're talking about a fictitious character maybe Fred/ George Weasley. Just because the magical world sounds so awesome and it would be amazing to be part of it even for a moment. Also, I've always liked them in Harry Potter and I think it'll be cool to see things from their perspective, all the crazy, funny ideas and whatnot :) 
03  Do you prefer to have many friends or a few very close friends?
Having both of the above would be the perfect combination. But if I were to pick one, I will choose to have a few close friends. In real life I kind of only have a few close friends, not that I'm complaining because they are amazing friends. I think true friendship requires time and effort to build and I always find that I only have enough time and energy for those who mean more to me. I do however love meeting new people. Then again perhaps I'm stricter regarding my definition of a friend...
04  "Do things right or do the right thing" - What's your take on this?
Erm... It wouldn't work if you don't do the right thing right would it? Gosh I'm terrible at questions like this OTL so I'm just gonna leave it as that... Otherwise I'll start confusing myself and everyone who reads this...
05  How many languages can you speak and what are they? Can you write something encouraging/ inspirational in each of those languages? 
Hmm... 2 fluently, English and Chinese 
'Cheer up when the night comes, because mornings always give you another chance' -author unknown
errm 加油!
Less fluently, Cantonese (which is a dialect so I'm not sure if it counts...)
06  What is Kpop to you?
Kpop is, come to think of it, a big part of my life. It opened me to the Korean culture, introduced me to Korean variety, fan fiction and at times comes in handy when making new friends who are also interested in Kpop. For me it's not just the craze over how good looking Kpop idols are, but I actually like the songs they make (even though I have no idea what they are singing; I wish I understood just from listening). Growing to like music made by yg also made me appreciate a whole new genre of music which I probably wouldn't have discovered otherwise. I would say Kpop has the ability to really capture my attention and keep it there. But it is something I love and I hate. I love it for all the above mentioned reasons but I hate it for making me spend so much time on it because I just cannot keep away as much as I try. Still, I suppose I'd rather have been introduced to it than not.
07  Do you believe in fate/ destiny? Why?
Not really, because even if I did I still wouldn't know what I'd become in the future. Thus I'd much rather believe that the decisions I make today will determine my future and therefore make them wisely. 
08  Recommend your favourite fanfic.
There are quite a few good fanfics I've come across so far... I guess the most recent one would be Der Marchenclub. It's horror (I think) but the suspense is awesome :) (but falliblefantasy you've read that so I'll recommend Mobster for Rent, it's romcom though, featuring daragon but it's a really enjoyable read :))
(on a non Asian fanfic side note, harry potter fans may like to check out a fanfic named Commentarius. )
09  What's your favourite hang-out? And what's your favourite eating place? (Would love it if you can recommend me places to go in any country ^^)
Gosh, i don't know... I don't really hang out much outside of my room and school (yeah I know, it's sad...). For school, empty libraries/ computer labs are wonderful. Otherwise, somewhere close to nature for places with cool, dry weather. For Singapore, there's this place at upper Thompson called kampong chicken with yummy chicken rice :) oh and Liang court at Clarke quay has this relatively new udon only store that sells good udon (I hope it's still there...). Unfortunately, quiet, good and quaint coffee shops don't seem to exist... If you ever go to Edinburgh castle though, they have nice scones (:
10  What's your dream job? Are you studying to become that now/ are you doing that job now?
My dream job is actually to do something related to dance, but I have no talent hahaha What I'm studying has nothing to do with performing arts but it's the course that I'm most interested in, so I guess you could say what I'm studying to become is my dream job, or will be anyway. 
11  You're all blessed and loved <3 Do you spread the love and bring joy to others (friends, family, or even the less fortunate)? 
I hope so hahaha I'm probably doing less than I should though... ><
Here are my questions :) :
1) Do you have a bias when it comes to Kpop groups/ singers? If so, who are they/ is it? And why?
2) What is your dream house like?
3) If you could choose to have any job in the future (and have the necessary skill set), what would it be and why?
4) If you have travelled, which place would you consider the best place you've visited and why? If you have never travelled, tell me something nice about where you now live.
5) If you ever got a pet, what animal would it be and what would you name it?
6) What is the best Christmas present you've ever received/ would like to receive?
7) Can you recommend any good fanfictions?
8) What is one crazy thing you'd like to do at least once in your life?
9) Tell me about the craziest thing you've done. 
10) If you just won a million dollars, name the three most significant things you'll spend it on.
11) Do you have a life motto? If so, please type it here, if not, type something inspirational/ encouraging.
And I'll be tagging:
Anyone who wishes to do this haha I'd love to see your replies! Let me know if you answer these questions :)


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