Merry Christmas my lovelies~

I hope you all have a fantastic day!! Christmas is more than half way over for me but I suppose a lot of you havent yet gotten to the 25th at all! 


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Merry Christmas!!!!!!!! :)
Merry Christmas :D I hope your Christmas Heat isnt as bothersome as our Christmas Cold :(
FanficLover_18 #3
Merry Christmas! Not sure if/how you celebrated, but still, I hope you had/have a nice day. It's only 4 AM where I am (I should be sleeping), but I'm sure I'll have an awesome day hanging out with family I don't see as much as I wish I could.
LOL Merry Christmas, Kitten!!! It's only about 2:30 in the morning here so I have plenty of the day left (and I haven't slept at all yet, but I will soon)... I hope your Christmas was wonderful xD
Merry Christmas!!
taereem #7
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU TOO BEAUTIFUL!!!! hahahaha too weird? lol!!! =) hope you have an amazing one my favourite author!! =D