Blog post January 30, 2014

Ahhhh finally out of school and time to head down to the city for my dragon boat team meeting but first need to get me some food cause this girl hasn't eaten anything since lunch

yoy know what I haven't really introduced myself to you people and I think I should anyways 

my name is superjunoirelf25 or Jessica or Jess which ever is easier for you ^^ 

I'm a senior in high school (12th grade) which means I'm 17 years old (18 in a couple of months ) anyways I'm in love with k-pop and everything about it and I also love anime and manga oh and im Latino (Mexican-American) so can speak Spanish and stuff only speak it can't read or write seriously guys I can't even do it to save my life ooh and, u know I said I can speak Spanish but, it will take me like an hour to explain my self since I can't speak it everywell but I do understand it or  else how would I understand my mom  anyways  yup I'll update this later bye for now ^^


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