Apocalypse Anyone?

Just a rant...

because my housemate is ticking me off...

So my housemate is several YEARS older than me (we're talking about more than 10 years...)

There are several girls living here but she's kinda boss since she's the oldest.

Something really ticked me off today.

She said something that ruined my whole entire day...

I mean I love her and she's probably one of the few people I truly care about, but what she told me really struck a cord.

Perhaps it was because I was irritated that the power outage woke me up at 5:30 in the morning...

Or because it was freezing.

Or because I didn't have school and I wouldn't get to see my friends...

Or because I was hungry.

Or because I didn't feel well.


I don't know...


She somehow managed to piss me off big time...

For some reason she started to talk about an apocalypse and how she thinks the world is going to end someday.

Which fine, I mean I'm sane as the next person (maybe...), but I'm reasonable enough to respect her thoughts.

Perhaps a meteor won't fall, but it there is a possibility of some kind of human crisis.

Maybe everyone will rebel against our government.

With the way things are I'm pretty sure perhaps something like that WILL happen in the future.

But anyway that's not what ticked me off.

She went on to say that if that happens she will be running away with her dog and hide up in the mountains.


Someone click pause.


This is the same person who has been teaching me to believe in hope.

To believe in myself and other people.

This is the person who believes that love is the greatest force.

That by truly loving our neighbors we can achieve world peace.

This is someone who believes that God loves us all equally.

That we all have the same right to live.

And she's telling me when the world needs her, she's just going to help herself?!?!

I don't think so man.

That's soooooo not cool.

There is no point in lecturing me and teaching me your beliefs if you DON'T PLAN TO LIVE BY THEM!!!!


And I guess I probably wouldn't have been very pissed off if it ended there.

But I went to say that when an apocalypse does happen or if a time of crisis actually does come, I will be out in the streets attempting to help.

I know that sounds ridiculous and fake.

But honestly that is the type of person I am.

I hate arguments, pain, and just the general feeling of not being happy.

I don't like to even play sports because one team will always feel bitter because they lost.

I'm the type of person who goes over to the lonely friendless kid at lunch and sit with him just because.

I need to help people, because I believe in self-lessness.

If I don't start by helping my neighbor, why should I expect my neighbor to help me when I need it?

Give, forget I have given, and give again.

That's my motto.

And well that's just my personal belief, but did she respect it?


She lectured me by saying how dumb that was.

That I would be stupid for helping those people in need.

That survival was the only important thing.

I countered her argument and asked what good is survival if I have to live with the guilt of being selfish?

THEN she blew her lid.

She explained she was not selfish.

That she just merely wanted to protect her "pack".

(Her pack, meaning her and her dog. Did she mention me? or her other housemates? Or even her own family? NOOOO!)

And that at least if she'd survived she would survive to procreate.

That then she'd be able to create a smarter and better generation...

At that point I just walked away.



I mean like REALLY?!?!


Do our lives mean so much more in the expense of others?

What makes us think that helping our fellow neighbors is weakness?

Last time I checked, this wasn't MY planet. It's OUR planet.

We are one species (family) living together in the SAME PLACE!

So why should we be selfish with what we have when others might have so little?

Do we really need that BMW or latest iPad?

Or would it go to better use if it helped fund education for children EVERYWHERE?

Didn't our parens tell us to SHARE?!?!?

Ughhhh I know by now I'm just ranting but I can't help it.

This is ridiculous.

When humanity faces a crisis, we should come together as one and figure out the problems TOGETHER.

We shouldn't abandon our neighbors and run away just save ourselves.

We are social for a reason.

We weren't designed as individualistic beings.

We crave for that social contact and want to be happy.

That's it.

All everyone wants in life is happiness.

So why is it then that we can't see past our own greed?


It makes me so angry.

Let's just say I lost a lot of faith in humanity today.

Would you help your neighbor in a time of crisis?

Or would you run away too?

For my runners, have fun toasting marshmallows up in the mountains with my housemate as you all watch humanity burn.

Let's see how well you sleep at night...


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Hmm.. maybe the selfish acts of people is the reason why the world is coming to an end one day...
Same. But I guess it's a little different for me though. I wouldn't sit by the lonely kid at lunch, I'd just ask them to join me and my friends and make sure that they don't feel left out. And I'm not as nice as you. In the face of a human crisis, OF COURSE I WILL BE OUT THERE TO HELP WITH ANYTHING, but the difference is my reason. I normally do everything I can to feel no regret. If I can look back and know that even if I could've did something differently, I didn't regret my over-all choice, I would do it. And I know that I just wouldn't be able to live if I knew that I could help people but I didn't. Because helping is also in my nature, but mostly the thought of abandoning someone is just.... not happening.