I have feelings too, mom.

Hi guys. I don't know how to start so I'll just go straight to the point. English is not my first language so don't bother if there's any grammar mistakes.


So, I'm having problems with my mom. I'm so upset with her.. I just , I don't know what's her problem. Seriously. Why? Why can't she tell me nicely if I did mistakes? She scolded me when I didn't do anything wrong. She never scold my younger sister when she didn't do any chores. I did all the house chores, I cooked , I did everything! :( I feel so unloved . I know my sister did really well in school, and she's well behaved, that she's smarter than me. I schooled before too,mom. Everytime I'm back from school, I can't even rest properly , I forced myself to help you. Why can't you see all of that? I would prefer taking nap than helping you but I want you to see that I'm a good daughter in your eyes so I chose to help you.

I have a lot to say but I don't know how to let it out. I just wish I could say this to her. How I wish God would just take away my life right now. 


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I hope someday but i don't know when... Your mom realize how special you are... :) maybe you can make her proud with your writing... Your ff is good...
I don't know you but I love you and care about you~
No don't say that you want God to take away your life dongshrimp! We all know you are hurting but don't say that and give up. We are all ears for you even though we really don't know each other. Be strong!
:/ dont worry girl. Im pretty sure ur mum will see the good in u soon. Be strong okay. I love you. <3
ILoveJHope #5
Dongsaengie I feel ya :( message me if you need me, I love you and miss you :)
shining_writer #6
Let it out before gets real and you let it out in unhealthy ways. Talk to her in a calm manner, talk to her and you may be able to solve this problem in a calm manner. If not this problem is going to be harder to solve.