School Holiday~~~

School holiday~~ yay *raise both hands up*!  But its only for a week.. awh.. *pout* but im still happy, yay~! Hahah xD /sugar rush/  im gonna update ma first fic~ *eats lollipop* nyumm.. whuhh.. but i dont know which one to update.. :/ Baekhyuns or Kris? Please make a vote!! Most votes i'll pick! 


Anywaysssss~~ tomorrow~~ wohooo! Field trip with bestiesss! Soo excitedd >< hurmm.. but i wish all the aff family can join~.. anyone? No? Okay thenn~~ *bubble face* 


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Unnie! I want to join the trip only if I can. But I have to go to Perak. I don't even know why. I really hope I can join you!!
Yyyeeehhheeettt! XD school holiday it is bby! XD EXCITED OPPA HERE. A week? How neat, i can update There's No One I Truly Love Than You. The 8th chappie! XD* pumps fist at the sky*
how about doing both? BaekKris. :D
Field trip huh? Must be good. I'm alone in my house...T^T
I wanna join... Huhu
mylove99 #3
lol xD this make me laugh