So a random question for those that are Korean or of Korean blood or are learning Korean...

Now I shall not name any names though I honestly highly doubt the person will ever see my blog post. But anyways... the person tried to say that when Koreans see people writing hangul in romaji (romanized form)... they see it as disrespectful or when people use bits and pieces of sentences.

I don't know about you but.... I actually don't think that's true. I'm not Korean by blood but I am learning Korean and how to write in hangul... and the way I'm able to learn is to learn the romanized version first then learn try to write it in hangul later on. Except it's really hard to change the keyboard on the Mac and tablet every single time especially if on the tablet I'm using the writing feature instead so a majority of the time I use romanization.

However this person is trying to say to people that Koreans see it as disrespectful and it's disrespectful to the language. 


1. People are TRYING to learn and if they're doing it as romanization first... that's fine. They can learn the romaji form and then learn to write it in hangul later on.

2. Honestly it's pretty much hard to talk in complete sentences when you're starting out and learning... and it takes practice to do it. And some of us... idk... don't really have someone that is fluent or proficient in hangul to actually help us practice so we can really only do bits and pieces.

A language can't be learned over night... a language takes time to learn. A language takes more time to actually learn when you're learning to write it and it isn't in romaji.

When I went to Korea Way in NYC.... there was a rather cute guy that worked in the bookstore there... and I was with my friend who isn't Korean but she's Polish and is taking Korean as a language course at BCC. Now think about this... she was talking to the guy and he asked "can you read that sign" to her. She was able to read it and then explained that she isn't exactly that good with reading hangul yet because she's still learning. The guy APPLAUDED her for her efforts and said that learning hangul itself is hard but her pronounciation was perfect. And she said that it was because she learned the words in romaji first. 

Now my actual question to you... do you actually believe it's disrespectful for people to type words in romaji and only says a random word here and there that's Korean or do you think this person is being overdramatic and has a superiority complex with being fluent in Korean?


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I can actually read and write Hangul. But I can't actually have a conversation with anyone or anything. I think I pretty much started learning but then stopped because Korean grammar was hard for me. So, I practically know a few words and nothing more.
The thing is, I read Hangul yet have no idea what I read in the same time. I'm more focused into Mandarin right now cause it's easier than Korean (For Me).. Anyways, I would want to learn Korean.. :D
I think that person is annoyed at the fact that a lot of people are trying to learn korean...
Is that person even Korean or grew in Korea...because it's my first time to hear that. I'm half-Korean, and while that may be the case, Hangul isn't my first language. I had to learn it and sometimes when I find myself completely stuck, I shift to Mandarin then Korean. If that would be the case, Westerners should be offended when Korean songs have English that doesn't even make sense. Who is this person? I'm offended lol

ALTHOUGH...Koreans would be completely offended if you talk to them familiarly when you're a complete stranger, unless, of course, if you play your foreigner card. It doesn't always work tho.
This person IS being superior. Acting like it, I mean. It's no problem to use romaji when you're learning. I think once you claim to be fluent and continue to use it, then it could be seen badly since... you're not really fluent...
I am learning Korean myself as well. I just took the TOPIK test in fact. I didn't have this problem because I don't like the whole romanization thing lol I memorized each character's sound and have been learning through that. But that's just me. I guess I have a good memory and listening? My classmates used romanization. Not anymore because they have now memorized it.
So yeah unnie just ignore this person and tell others to too. They are just being stuck up/ misunderstanding. Korean is hard to many people cuz of the different characters, so people need a way to learn. If romanization is it, let it be.
Err to be honest I never heard such things...I did a lot since I know kpop and often when rping..its true enough I learn hangul for 1st level and I do as same way, romanized it and I still I remembered my first sttempt is romanized the lyrics of suju in my dreams.

Well I believed the person only want to show off that she fluent in hangul.

Ps:the korean teacher do the romanization too