Feel the need to let soom thoughts out or my head might explode

Okay i usually never write blog posts but i think i will feel better getting some things out of my head. This is related to the whole Kris, EXO and SME stuff that’s going on. So if anyone doesn’t want to read anything more about it because it hurts you too much or your just over it i completely understand and read no further.

I assume most of the k-pop community knows what been going on.

I am an ELF but i also dearly love EXO and hate seeing them in pain like this; all 12 of them. I refuse to take any side on the matter when it comes to choosing between Kris and the other 11. I just want this to be figured out as soon as possible and for all of them to be happy, whether that means that Kris joins EXO again or they end up going their separate ways.  All i want is to see them all truly happy. All we can do as fans is support them and stand by them. What happens, happens and our boys are strong, they will pull through.

I don't want to see anyone getting angry about Kris's decision or the other members reactions to it. We are their fans and their support. BUT we can't forget that this is all we are during personal situations like this. We are fans not relatives or close friends and i think some people on the internet forget that. Yes we love them and care for them and they do the same for us but we don't see what goes on behind closed doors or inside their heads. Try to put yourselves into their situation. Kris is doing what he feels is write for his health and for his future. But don't be angry at the other members for feeling hurt or betrayed in any way. When the news first broke they were probably all very confused and upset. They are no doubt tired due to the promotions and some of them physically hurt and sick as well. Even though this has been going on a few days most of us FANS feel emotionally drained; well imagine how they feel being at the centre of all this. For those people who are angry about the way the other members reacted, try to put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if someone you trusted and where close to suddenly left? I know i wouldn’t know how to react. They are dealing with it the best they can.

As fans the best things we can do is show our support for all of them. Cheer them on at their schedules and show them all that we will be there to help them through. And when I say “them” i mean all of them, all 12.

I've seen Super Junior go through hard times due to a lawsuit but they pulled together and came out as the strong family they are today and even though hankyung left the group didn't mean ELF stopped loving him and supporting him and now he has found his own happiness and is still friends with the members of Super Junior.

Sorry about this little rant. This website is one of the only places i can talk to people who understand. I have no one around me who likes or even knows what K-pop is. I don't have 'K-pop friends' and the only person that will listen when I have my fangirl spazz or breakdown moments is my Mum. It can get lonely at times seeing as how it is such a big part of who i am and my life. When things like this happen being alone just makes it all the worse.  Sending all fans love and support; lets pull through together okay :)


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