im sorry (if you're my subscribers please read its important)

hye guys.. im sorryyyy! i couldn't update my girl cuz i have no such ideas and i want ti find a co-author who can update it when i'm busy.. is there any volunter? oh my god... please............. help me.. i could die from it and i dont know why.. but please.. help me?? is there any of you who want to work with me??? yehet.. but pleaseeee..  im really busy so i cant update my girl and cruel.. so is there any of you want to work with me? i dont care if you're not the best author but still you can help me???? ok bye.... just to inforn you guys i cant update till 6th may.. and after that i think i can update it.. so bye guys!!! please help me okay?? love you guys, my exotics blackjacks and my babies.. whut? ignore me .


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