My "Condition"

I always talk about leaving for six weeks, but I never said when. Well, I leave on sunday. Aaaaaannnnnnddd... I'm not done packing. I really wish I was but I'm not and I feel like I'm never going to finish due to my very serious and chronic case of procrastination. I mean in my school we have IB so we always [teachers included] say IB Procrastinating because thats what all IB students due, even the best ones. But, now I'm just feeling that it's getting to be a serious problem. I mean I could always pack tomorrow...but I'm going to be gone all day at six flaggs. Which, in my case, is another form of procrastination. I have done everything that I possibly could to not freacking pack and I'm kindof angry at myself for it. I have taken more naps than usual just so i dont have to pacl.Like seriously?! I could be packing right now but look what I'm doing, IM WRITTING THIS! Oh gosh..some one call the doctor please. *overdose starts playing in the distance* I feel like i need to get my priorities straight. *sigh* thanks for listening to my angry rant guys :) May you never procrastinate mwah.


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I'm going to six flags tomorrow too. I feel your procrastination.
NevertheMaknae #2
Hoobaeeeeeee you can't leave meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
(Go pack)