I Miss Jinki

I miss my little Jinki,  and I hope he's getting better. It seems like it's been forever but it must be a nice little break for him and hopefully he's resting and not working. Poor little baby, he apologized to the fans when it wasn't even his fault he couldn't be there and was sweet enough to leave a message to them.  He's such a sweetheart :D

Lol Idk why I act as if he's a little kid, but sometimes it seems like it, like he neglects to care for himself sometimes because he's taking care of everyone else, but we'll take care of him when he comes back, right? ㅅㅎㅅ

If he was my husband I'd baby him a lot, I mean why not he deserves it because he's precious XD


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Jibblet98kissme #1
OMGGG WHAT HAPPENED??? I haven't really been catching up on kpop new lately
Exactly. . .all of our oppas deserved to be babyed because of all the hard work they do for us ^ㅅ^
I miss oppa too... I hope he gets the rest that he needed. I can't wait for his return!! Come back in healthy condition, oppa!!
he really is a sweetheart <3 I hope he's resting well~
I would do the same too. There is one thing that pray for and that is he gets better. I hope that if I go to kcon I pray if o can see him preform with SHINee
I miss Jinki so much. I hope he is resting and taking care of himself. He truly is the kindest most carng person ever.
kpopoppa #7
I know. WHERE ARE YOU JINKKKIIIIII!!! As long as he's enjoying his break and he's healing well, I'm happy. I have the feeling he's probably sleeping a lot.
i miss jinki too^^ hopefully he will comeback soon :)