My Mother is so Ugh....

I love my parents with my heart.......

More than anything in the world........

But today, my mother really pissed me off. Usually, she would always piss off my older sister who's 17, and casually get me annoyed, but not pissed to this point....

Today, my mother, my 2 year old sister and I went to go pick up my older sister from her part time job at a grocery store. As we were coming back home after picking her up, we made pit-stop at Dunkin Dounuts. (Cause we fat like that). My mother wanted coffee with extra cream and no sugar, and us three siblings ordered what we wanted. As we were exiting the place, I forgot to bring the coffee, so I went back in to get it. Then I forgot to bring sugar, so I went back in to get it. I wasn't looking at which sugar I grabbed, I just got whatever. Turns out I got Sweet-N-Low sugar- 0 calorie sugar. My mother got so mad at that, she started yelling at me the following;

"Why did you get me this sugar?! Do I eat this sugar?! No, I don't! Why didn't you look at which sugar you're taking?! You were probably being selfish and just thinking of the food you are getting, not even thinking about me! I came here so can get coffee, I didn't come here for you! All you ever think about is laughing and smiling and shaking your so everyone could see it! Disgusting child!"

From there on, I tuned off, but she said something about '... Slave... Servant.....' I'm pretty sure that she was saying that I'm not one of these, yet I act like I am when I don't do anything at all... Yeah, something like that.

I usually don't get this mad, I just get depressed when she says things like this.....

But I just realized how irrational and unreasonable she can be..... Seriously? You're yelling at your 13 year old child who made a slight mistake for sugar? Thas when I got really pissed.... So I blew.....

And I talked back.

I don't talk back much, well, I do, but not to the limit of disrespecting them. I talk back in a manner of complaining.... This time, though, I said;

"Why don't you ever try to get up and get your own sugar? How am I fat if all you do is sit down and order me around?"

So yeah..... She's just making me more pissed off...... I blame my growing hormones.....

My mother does this on a daily basis......

Are your parents like that?


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missWolf #1
Oh dear that's really hard . Just be strong . Sometimes my mother will acct like that too . I mean like , she likes to blame me on every single thing that goes wrong since i'm the eldest. Sometimes , i don't even involve but you know ~