What Should I Do?

So yeah, school started this morning. In this new school year and also, new curriculum, my school has this cross-interest program. It allows us to choose 2 out few subjects that aside from our class majors. There are few class there; science, social, and language class. And thanks God I've got into the science one. And since that, I had to choose 2 subjects out from science. It could be from social or language. I've written economics and german language on the form. The bad news is, I regretted it and I want to change into economics and english (im not sure the teachers would allow me).

Blame me for not-following my uncle's suggestion. He told me if I got the science class, I should choose economics and one foreign language (there are france, german, japan, mandarin and arabic). He suggested me to choose english. But heck, am I that confident enough to write german? I don't even know a lil bit about that language. If only korean was also available, then I would've chosen it on the very first place.

Here I am wondering if the vice chairman of the curriculum division would allow me, then I will surely thank him nonstop from here to the moon and back /slaps/

And then for the extra. There are A LOT of extracurriculars here. Like photography, singing, journalistic, theatre, environmentalists, english club, foreign languages and much more that I can't even count it down. And if the curriculum division allows me to change that german into english, then I would choose german as the extracurricular. Then if I'm not allowed, I will choose english as the extra.


What should I do?


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German is so far easier since they almost have the same grammar rule as english. It's so easy for me to ace the test...as compared to korean, japanese or maybe french. I know...I tried learning french...and oh my god...the amount of vocab just for one verb is so much and so different but if you like it then, you got a lot work cut out for you
oh my god! I studied german as well. What a coincidence babe!
Marianations #3
My cousin's mother is a German translator and trust, German is very hard... If you chose French I could help you, but I barely know German so T___T