O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

Seoyoon sat in class, twirling her rilakkuma pen through her fingers as she forced herself to memorize the English phrases for the next classes test. Most of the other students were studying as well  with only a few talking to their friends.  She hated hearing the other girls chatting and having a good time while she worked hard to be in the top 5 students in the school. So, she put her headphones in and automatically went to her most listened song on her ipod, Love story by Taylor Swift. Although she looked like a book worm and a prude, Seoyoon was actually a huge romantic. She didn't give her love away easily but she was willing to fall hopelessly in love with someone whenever the  chance showed itself.

"Hey, Seoyoon. Can I see your notes?" The boy behind her said as he tapped on her shoulder.  She looked behind and he had a hopeful grin on his face. He was handsome but shallow. He would never talk to her if she wasn't smart or a giant push over.

"You know dyed hair is against the dress code, right?" Seoyoon grabbed her note book with the notes and handed them over to him.

"Yeah but it doesn't matter. I look handsome with any hair style." He winked and took the note book before sitting back down in his seat and mumbling English under his breath. Seoyoon rolled her eyes and sat turned back around. She hated guys like that. They knew they were handsome and used it to manipulate people. She was about to pop her headphones back in when the door to the classroom slammed open and standing there was a skinny, gangly boy panting heavily.

"FIGHT IN THE ANNEX!" He yelled before running back out and all the kids in the class froze. Everyone, including Seoyoon, looked back at the boy who had taken her notes. He was staring at the door, as if trying to decide if he would go or not. After a frustrated sigh he stood up, shoved his hands in his pockets and quickly walked out of the class. Soon after everyone ran out after him. Seoyoon was a part of the swarm of kids running down the halls into the large annex that was recently attached to the back of the building. Surrounded by two hundred students were five boys in neat, new uniforms  and across from them were five other boys in recklessly styled uniforms with jewelry hanging from their ears and necks and their hair was either dyed bright colours of styled against the dress code. Soon the boy who was in class with Seoyoon joined the five rebellious boys. One of the six boys was holding a small freshman in a head lock and the boys was clearly distressed.

"Let him go." A gravelly voice said and one of the five boys stepped forward and when Seoyoon heard his voice she let out a pained sigh. She knew who it was and when she pushed through the crowd and saw who it was her heart dropped. It was JR and his friends Aron, Baekho, Minhyun and Ren.

"Why? We're just hanging out with him. Nothing wrong with that, right?" Said the shorter boy who was holding him in a headlock.

"We said, let him go." The tallest of the five boys stepped forward, right in between the two groups. A lump grew in Seoyoon's throat as she saw the leader of the six boys step forwards as well leaving only an inch of space between them.

"Back up pretty boy, you wouldn't want to get a scar on your face." The man's deep voice sent chills up Seoyoon's arms. She didn't know a person's voice could be that deep. He reached out to touch the boys face but he slapped his hand away. The other boy quickly grabbed him with his other hand and raised his fist. Seoyoon couldn't stop herself and jumped out from the crowd.

"STOP!" She yelled and grabbed the man's arm. Everyone stopped and stared at her with shocked expressions.

"Noona?" The tall boy said and Seoyoon glared at him.

"Hwang Minhyun, you're an idiot! Do you have any idea how dangerous these guys are?" Seoyoon whispered and the taller boy avoided eye contact with her. There was nothing Minhyun hated more than being scolded by his big sister who he adorded.

"Yongguk hyung! That's his older sister." The boy from Seoyoons class called out and Yongguk, the boy about to punch Minhyun in the face, got a wicked smirk on his face. Minhyun stared down Yongguk, silently threatening him not to do anything. Yongguk shoved Minhyun away and grabbed onto Seoyoon, wrapping his arms tightly around her so that she could fight against him.

"YAH!" Seoyoon yelled and struggled in his arms. Minhyun took a few steps forward, fully ready to get into a fight but Aron held him back.

"You have a really pretty noona." A tall red headed boy said as he got a closer look at Seoyoon who was staring straight at Minhyun.

"Don't lay a finger on her." Minhyun threatened and a few of the other boys just laughed.

"What ever you say pretty boy." Yongguk looked back and the shorter boy, Jongup, let go of the freshman who went running into the crowd and disappearing from sight. "I'm just going to have a nice conversation with your sister. Get to learn about each other. After all, we are of the same age and she is..." Yongguk stopped talking and leaned down right beside Seoyoon's face. "...beautiful." He whispered in her ear, loud enough for Minhyun to head. Once again Minhyun went to lunge but Aron and Ren held him back. Yongguk let go over Seoyoon, grabbed her hand and dragged him behind her as he walked away. Minhyun shook off his friends and ran after Seoyoon only to get stopped by Yongguk's friends.

"Give the love birds some alone time." Himchan jabbed his finger into Minhyun's chest and without a second thought, Minhyun swung his fist and punched Himchan in the face. Within seconds the two groups charged at each other and a huge fight broke out causing all of the other students to scream and run away so they wouldn't get hurt.

"Minhyun!" Seoyoon called out, hoping to get her brothers attention but her was too busy starting a fight.

"You're louder than you look." Yongguk whined  as he dragged Seoyoon down a hallway, the running students parted around them like the red sea.

"Let go of me and I'll stop yelling." Seoyoon clawed at his hand and Yongguk stopped walking, the students still running past them, but for the two of them it felt like time froze. Yongguk turned around to face her and pulled Seoyoon tight against him, wrapping his free hand around her waist.

"Now how could I let go of you when I just got you?" He said with a smile on his face and Seoyoon felt her heart stop. She didn't know if it was because Yongguk was handsome and seemed sweet. Or, if it was because at any moment he might get bored of her and throw her off the roof for fun.



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please make it into a full story!
That was... odd. haha I liked it though xD