g.o.d rank EXO members on the categories of having the most influence and knowing how to have fun on 'EXO 90:2014'


EXO and g.o.d ranked each other based on which member they think has the most influence and more on 'EXO 90:2014'!

When ranking the EXO members in order of who they think has the most influence in terms of making decisions for the group, g.o.d's ranking was Sehun first, Suho second, Xiumin third, Chen fourth, Luhan fifth, and Lay at sixth.


Son Ho Young explained why they put Lay in last place, "[Lay] is so gentle... I think he would agree with everyone and accept everyone's opinions... He looks so kind..." 


Kim Tae Woo explained why they chose Sehun as first place, "Since Sehun is the maknae, if he gives his opinion in a frustrated manner, I think the hyungs would let him have his way." Sehun revealed this is actually true, sharing, "My hyungs are really nice, so if I express my frustration, they're always patient with me. But in terms of who has the final say in making decisions, it's definitely leader Suho."


EXO then ranked themselves with Suho first, Sehun second, Xiumin third, Luhan fourth, Chen at 6, and Lay last.


When ranking the EXO members in order of who probably knows how to have the most fun, g.o.d's ranking was as follows: Xiumin, Sehun, Chen, Luhan, Suho, and Lay.


Son Ho Young explained why Xiumin was at the top of the list, "Because the friends who are on the shy side [know how to party]." Park Joon Hyung mentioned Sehun, "He looks like he would know unexpectedly. He's also the youngest." Kim Tae Wo pointed out Sehun's face, "The words, 'I want to play,' are written on his face." 

Park Joon Hyung also shared, "Chen has a lot of talent [and a knack for being social]. When Luhan smiles, I can see a bit of that underlying part of him. I think Suho wants to play, but he controls himself a lot because he is the hyung and leader."


EXO ranked themselves: 1. Sehun 2. Chen 3. Xiumin 4. Luhan 5. Suho 6. Lay.


Check out the two groups ranking of each other in the clips below (starts at 28:15 mark)!


EXO1 by dm_937620


EXO2 by dm_937620


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