Time Management + The Siren's Cry

Got these questions from my ask.fm account and I thought they were pretty good ones, so I thought I would share them and my answers with you for a couple of tips on how I manage my time as a real life college student who works 4-5 days a week and tries to write fanfics/original fiction/poetry. 


I tend to spent too much time on writing fanfiction and recommending stories, but how can I managa my time well. Please do you have any tips?

As fun as writing fan fiction and reading/recommending stories can be, you HAVE to sort out your priorities and tell yourself that other things are more important. Use your will power. When I have trouble managing between real life and my fan fic lyfe, I log out of AFF and leave the fandom for bit, just until I get myself grounded again. Try making a check list of all the stuff that you have to do and place more important things at the top. If you really need to, don't even put "write fanfics/recommend stories" on that list because they're not nearly as urgent as other things.

Also, I know it sounds kind of harsh, but sometimes, when I find myself too involved in the fanfic community and my time is slipping away... sometimes you honestly just gotta sit yourself down and give yourself that talk. You know which I mean, the "Gurl, you are seriously locked up in your dark room with your laptop reading fictional stories written by amateur writers about Korean men who don't know you exist and their romantic relationships with other men/women that is probably not even true" kind of talk. (And by amateur, I mean unpublished authors - although the case nowadays is different as quite a few AFF authors are getting published.) I know it's harsh, but it's an eye-opener and definitely shifts your way of thinking just enough to possibly switch your attention to something more important.


Do you have any time management tips? You see, I'm a fanfiction writer, I recommend stories (this takes a lot of time, because I need to search for good stories), I'm a college student (and I do another study besides that so I do two studies), I love watching drama's and I work two days in a week.

Hmm, you and I are kind of in the same situation then: I write fanfiction, I write for a school paper, I'm in college, and I work 4 days a week, and I love watching TV. To me, it all comes down to getting my priorities straightened out. Whatever is most important is what goes at the top of my to-do list, and it needs to be the first one that I address. After putting my priorities in order, I think about how much time each task is going to take me, and whatever I can do quickly, I knock that out first. I think it's best to focus on the more important things first, like school, family, your personal health, etc. As much as you love fanfiction and Kdramas, these things have to take a back seat until all that other stuff is taken care of.

Don't worry, I'm sure your subscribers and readers will understand your predicament. And from what I've observed, the faster you get things taken care of, the more free time you have for your own pleasure.

I also find that it helps to set time limits for yourself, and then pace yourself accordingly, and avoid falling into lazy spells. But also don't forget that sometimes, doing "nothing" /is/ doing "something".


Also, I was informed that someone added "The Siren's Cry" to the Little Mermaid Wiki page's list of adaptations, wut lol


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rachelhasnolife #1
Yay your on Wikipedia haha :)
hananii19 #2
That sounds great!! Haha Wikipedia
LOL it was on wikipedia? Nice! :D
Waaaaaaah. Thats just how awesome you are.