Annyeong~ *waves hands*

Sometimes, people just need a hug. You know? They just need someone to say I'm here, I know you're hurting, what do you need? There are some people I've hugged and noticed they've fallen apart in my arms. The girl in my Spanish class who tries so hard not to cry. The other girl who stays up late at night studying. The other girl who's missing a part of her family. A boy who's struggling with who he really is. The other boy who hides how much he's hurting behind jokes and teases. It really hurts when they break when I hold them, but at least I know I'm in perfect position to hold them together. 

Does anyone need someone to hold them together? I'm here for you all~ Come talk to me, I'll always listen, and I have hugs and cookies. Sorry for being so cheesy...I hope all of you are doing well ^.^


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>(^.^)< *hugs*
Drowning- #2
Yay!My unnie is the best! *hug* Cookies!? What about other foods?Pray for my exams .... hee thanks unnie I love you and same things to you
Aww that's nice of you~ *hugs*

I've been doing fine recently, but I have a major presentation this Saturday. Pray for me?
I was feeling very depressed today, well actually for the past 2 years because of my poor health,... . So much that i couldn't even go to school today for the nth time -_-...
But i felt better just by reading this :) I don't even know you in real life but i can tell you're a really nice person :) Thank you :)
*hugs you virtually*
*virtual hug* <3
TopTopsAll #7
I'll come to you if something upsets me^^ if it's not extremely complicated^^ I don't even understand myself sometimes xD thank you~*hugs*
awww... unnie... arigato! ^~^
we all here for u, too! ~~~~~
I was feeling terrible(I still do a little), but I'm feeling okay again. I will definitely come to you when I'm feeling stressed. Just, prepare yourself for when I might snap at you. *pats your head Good, dongsaeng.
*Hugs you* :3