↷ Vesta。Kwon Minhee

Character name - Kwon Minhee
Nicknames -
-Minnie|People thought it was a cuter version of her name
-Shiksheon|She eats anything she thinks is tasty

- The other KTwin | Everybody except for D.O|because she hangs so much time with Jongdae,pranking they are called 'The K Twins'
Other names - (Optional).

Age - 20
Birthdate - 28th January 1994

Birthplace - Daegu,South Korea
Hometown- Daegu,South Korea
Ethnicity - Korean
Nationality -

Languages -

-Korean -Fluent
- English -Basic

Face Claim -Jang Cho Mi
Back up Face Claim - Sori
Weight / Height - 165cm & 46kg

Style - Minhee has a simple,chic,girly style that's full of colour and floral prints.There's hardly any black or grey and you can be sure there a ton of dresses.
Casual| 1  2  3  4
Airport| 1  2  4
Shows| 1  2  3  4
Formal| 1  2  3   4
Appearence - Minhee has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.She also has one dimple,which is a bit deep.She often is wearing her watch on her left wrist and a silver bracelet.She has an unusual birthmark on her back that is shaped like circle with little spots in it,because it's skin coloured and people mistook that she had plastic surgey because of it.She calls it her 'constellation' birthmark.

Stage name -Aura
Stage persona - The  Ditzy Kid Leader
Personal fanclub - Aurae & aurae

Position - Lead Vocalist,Lead Rapper,Leader
Backup Position - Main Vocalist

Talent twins -

Singing: Krystal f(x)
Dancing: Hyosung SECRET
Rapping: Hyuna 4Minute

Talking: Irene Red Velvet

Trainee years - Four Years
Trainee life - Training seemed good and bad.It was good because she was reaching her goal but everytime the trainees asked her to go out,she'd reply no as she continued training.Every day,she'd call her parents,even though she didn't really need to.However,it became more hectic and she could only reply in short text messages and call once a week.

Scandals -

Mistaken to be Jongdae's lover | A saesang fan caught Jongdae and Minhee pranking Sehun and believed they were dating| After Debut
 D.O kisses Minhee | D.O was talking to her and whispered in her ear for a secret and the paparazzi thought they had kissed.

Personality traits -
(+) childish,hyper,optimistic,light-hearted,confident

( - ) stubborn,violent,bad-tempered,diva,chatty
Paragraph form -
// Minhee is really childish,like really childish.She'll continue jumping on the bed,wear pigtails and still believes in Santa and the Tooth Fairy.She also has the enthusiasm as Cat from Sam&Cat times three.So she'll be the one waking you up with pots and pan at 5am when practice is at 10.She's also really optimistic,believing that 'no matter how sad it seems,believe in all the good things!'.Minhee will probably be like 'It's a shooting star!' when a meteorite hits the neighbour's house.(From Mischievous Kiss:Tokyo!).She's also quite light-hearted not caring about the conflicts and arguments in the dorm,even though she's the leader.She's a bit ditzy and clumsy,often falling when the floor's wet and receiving a severe injury.
//Now to the negatives.She's a bit stubborn,still believing unicorns are real when the others tell her they are made up and debated for two hours that bananas don't have seeds in them.Minhee is also a bit violent,kicking the next thing she can find when she is in a bad mood.She's also bad-tempered,for example her younger brother hits with a paper ball she gets her fist and punches him lightly.Despie being quite optimistic,she's a little violet and quite bad-tempered when she's angry or upset.Being in a bad mood I mean,a) you've pranked her or b) you call her a grandma.I mean seriously she acts like a kid,how can you call her a kid,well a lot of kid leaders are called grandmas.She's also a diva,so if she tells you it looks bad,it looks horrible.Being quite chatty,she talks a lot and will repeat things twice if you don't reply.She can talk hours on the phone about something and hang up when you say 'I have to find a new highscore on Flappy Bird'.

Likes - 

- Anime & Manga
- Spongebob
-Autumn- the perfect season
- Fanart/Fanfiction -She really likes when people write stories and try to draw her as she thinks that they appreacite who she is.
-Pale pink and blue
- Leaves- she just loves it how it crunches and its colours
- Swing - it gives her childhood memories and when her parents sat on a swing with her.

Dislike -

Being called 'The 2nd Taeyeon'
- Dark colours
- Roller Coasters

-Being called a perfectionist
- Salads at fast food restaurants -it ruins the idea of 'fast food'
-People stealing her food


Habits -

-Doodling when bored
-Holding someone's hand when feeling insecure

-Talking to her plushies
- Humming while playing piano


Hobbies -

-Playing the piano
- Making weird raps that have no purpose e.g.(Yo!Yo~Yo!My name is Aura!I'm uhh Kwon Minhee!YoYo!)
-Rewatching Katekyo Hitman Reborn,Ouran,Special A,AKB0048 and Free.

Trivia -

+Minhee is ambidextrous but prefers using her left hand
+Minhee can play the piano and began playing when she was five.
+Minhee is known as the female Onew because of how muchs he eats but is still quite fit
+Her favourite animes are often shounen anime as she claims that even though she is a bit girly,shounen is better for her.
+She loves sentimental circus and rilakkuma
+Minhee admitted that she wasn't a shawol or EXO-L but a Cassie.
+Minhee is buddhist
+Her ideal type is someone who's nice and sweet and will text her sweet things and become a bit over-protective.
+ Her rapping skills have been compared to HyunA from 4MINUTE

Background - Kwon Minhee was born in Daegu in 1994,making her 20 today.She lived a bit of a normal life and had an older sister named MinAh.Her parents ran a popular,cosy cafe where she would stay and do her homework.The cafe is where she would sometimes help out.Her parents sent her to piano lessons when she was five and vocal lessons when she was six.
When she was four,her younger brother Minho was born and he was a mess.He often pranked her and and jumped on her and she didn't really like that well.

She achieved good grades at school and was quite close with her sister.They often had tea parties together and her older sister sometimes got angry at Minhee's pranks and threw paper balls at her.

Near the end of elementary school,Minhee was continuosly bullied and cyberbullied by a girl who spreaded rumours about her and tried to hit her.The girl enjoyed calling her names such as 'unpopular nerd' and 'wannabe' which led her to depression.She told her mum and the parents had a talk about it,and the girl moved to Seoul.
When she was thirteen,she realised that she enjoyed music out of the other subjects and she decided to audition for SM.Thinking she had done enough training for her vocals.However,she felt a tug in her self,believing that she wuld never do well as SM was one of the biggest entertainments in the world.So she went two lessons a week for vocals.Her parents agrred to let her audition for SM,as they knew SM was one of the biggest companies in the world,so they were a bit glad.
When she was fourteen,she auditioned for SM and failed.She tried again the next year and failed.When she was sixteen,she got in and became a trainee.
When she beame a trainee,they often bullied her and she felt out of place because a lot of the trainees were younger than her and they called her 'soju' and a lot of other things.She grew sadder by the day,as it wasn't the first time she was bullied.

Family -

Mother| Kwon Seohyun | 44 | cafe shop owner
Father | Kwon Chanyoung | 46 | cafe shop owner
Sister | Kwon Minah | 25 |

Friends -

Best Friend| KIm Jongdae|22|member of exo
Good Friends|Do Kyungsoo|21|member of exo
Close Friends | Victoria Song|27| member of f(x)
Best Childhood Friend| Bang Sunhwa | doctor


Love Interest name - D.O
Group/Occupation - EXO
Age:  21

Relationship - Friends

How'd You Meet? - Minhee met D.O when she was training and she congratulated D.O on his debut and how the community reacted positively on his debut.He felt a bit happy and told her to 'keep training to become better' and hopefully 'debut even better than exo'.She felt a little warm when he said this and she asked him if they could become friends.They got each others phone numbers and texted like the friends they were.

Interactions Towards Each Other - D.O's quite kind and sweet to Minhee,knowing she's trained a long time and he's afraid she'd have to train for 7/8 years just to debut.They often text or call each other to ask;D.O asks hows her training while she asks how it is with EXO.D.O,however begins to develop a liking for Minhee and she develops a liking to D.O too.
His Personality - D.O is really kind and sweet but can turn to the devil's son when you anger him.Earning him the name 'Satansoo'. He's really nice and your first impression would be 'Wow.He;'s nice' when literally he's just plotting where to stab you.

Back Up -

Love Rival name - Chen/Kim Jongdae
Group/Occupation - Member of EXO
Age - 22

Relationship - Best Friends

Interactions Towards Each Other - Chen and Minhee love to joke around,hence their great friendship.They often prank people,especially the members of EXO that annoy them.Also,because of this friendship they act like twins,even though he's older than her and their name,'The K Twins!'. Most likely,you will see them in ninja outfits,backpack sign to free food and a water gun in hand.But,D.O hates and gets jealous of their antics especially when they hit him with slime,and is also jealous that Minhee spends more time with Jongdae than him(He's got a crush on her~~)Especially,when Minhee revealed her bias in EXO was Chen.
His Personality - Chen's the troll in EXO and has a really cheeky personality.He enjoys pranking others for his own laugh and sticks with Minhee like a twin.Often,for fun Minhee refers to herself as 'Kim Minhee' to match him.In a brotherly way,he would protect her if Satansoo and his owl army attack.

Back Up -
EXO's Chanyeol

Rival Name - Park Sooyoung/Joy
Group/Occupation - Idol/Maknae of Red Velvet
Age - 18

Personality - Joy is seen to be cute and adorable,but Joy is actually quite cold and quiet. She is quite boastful,especially when she got to debut before Minhee,and trained less then her. According to her co-workers,she's cute,adorkable but really she's just Regina George(Mean Girls) with a colder heart and green hair.
Interactions Towards Each Other  - They had trained together and because Joy was younger,had less training and debuted first,Joy often used this fact to boast and bully Minhee about it.Also,because she knows that Minhee has a crush on Kyungsoo,she teases her often and spreads rumours about it.
Reason of Rivalry -
To Joy,Joy is more superior than Minhee and doesn't like Minhee because she is 'less' than her.However,Minhee just believes that it's just because they needed a maknae in Red Velvet.



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