Air asia QZ8501


Dear mister "Fall-for-you".

I know it sounds impossible, but I do believe in miracle. I believe that even though the plane has been torn into pieces, there's still a chance for you to survive. If you haven't finished your job in this world, I believe you will comeback for sure.

My heart shattered into thousand pieces when I found out you were in that plane in the first place. 

Our last meeting was short, but I will always remember it. 

Just knowing that you are safe and sound is enough for me.

Because a boy like you is impossible to find.

You are impossible to find.

So, please.

Return if possible.



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I really dont know what to say, it has been a chaotic year for flights AirAsia, and for relatives and close to the victims in those flights people suffered, I am no stranger to this pain, I saw the news and reactions of family members to hearing the news, and my heart felt so heavy that I cried. I really hope your friend is safe, I'm sure that if he completed his mission here on earth, be happy in heaven. But do not lose hope! You just have to pray for their welfare.
Eonni who was it? omg eonni you don't know how hard i cried seen that palne crash ? i just cried all night !
i dson't know why but this incident made me cry and cry and cry oh gosh this is sooooo sad .
let's all hope for the safe of them eonni.....
*praying hard *
this is so sad.. when i came back home, my mom was watching on tv and there was i was just standing while hearing the bad news. i knew already it was impossible that all victims were safe because the plane wasnt still found yet. and then when i woke up in early morning and was still stuck on my bed while watching on tv that the tim sar was already finding two death of victims was floating in the sea and some of pieces from the plane was found out.
that was a lil hope that your boy was all safe. i hope everything will be alright.
we believe in miracles, please come back home for your friends' sake..
*sobs* S-sad