Working Girl: What should I do?

Though I have a tumblr and blogger account, I’ll rather post blogs here than there as I know people won’t easily judge me on what I’m saying or scold me on what I’m posting. It’s like I’m having a sense of freedom here to discuss almost anything what’s on my mind.



Four years ago, I graduated from college and a year after it, I started working as a teacher in on the private schools (Elite school as how others say it) in my city. Two years after teaching, I resigned my job because of the pressure that my parents and relatives gave to me as they want me to teach on a public school which pays bigger than the usual pay that I get from the school I’ve taught.    I applied, attend the orientation, gave class demonstration, went to the interview and lastly took the Proficiency Examination for Teachers.

While waiting for the result and instances that the schools might call me, I applied to a company that is quite similar to my field as it also teach students and handle them and got in by God’s grace (without my dad’s knowledge). The pay may not be as big as my previous job, but it’s not my point why I applied. I applied there because I want to stay on my field and be in contact with children and teaching.  I would really say that I enjoy my work. It’s less stress from the paper works that I do in schools, it gave me patient test as I am not good in handling kids especially toddlers and preschoolers (as I am a high school teacher) but later on managed through it. I teach kids not in a classroom, but I teach them one-on-one until they get to learn and answer worksheets independently.

Now, why am I writing this blog and blabbering stuff when as one can see, I am doing great in my work? Well, actually I don’t know. Not really that I don’t know but yes I am happy yet I want to venture out more. I am happy to where I’m staying, money can be a factor of problems but as long as I am happy and enjoying what I’m doing, I’ll be okay. Though, right now I feel like I want to go back to where I am really good at (or as how I see myself) and that is teaching.

Yes, I am teaching in my current job but the feeling of teaching in school and mingle with the students everyday gives me the satisfaction to do more what I can do. Being on war everyday (as how I label it) and be inside the school (LITERALLY!)  gives me peace and joy.

Now what’s the main point again of this one? I’m torn between staying this current job of mine (wherein I’m still 6 months old here and counting) or leave and go back to the school field. I’m torn because both of them are teaching and student handling. I’m torn because I love both playing fields. I’m torn on whether if I resigned from this current job, will I stay in the city to look for work or go explore around the country or even go abroad to work?

Lastly, June is coming up pretty soon from now. It’s months away and I really want to start my Masteral Degree pronto. I’ve been delaying it for two consecutive years already as I’m waiting for my sister to graduate college for me to go back to school. So yeah.

Much more on that, what do you think? :)    


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At the end of the day, only you will know what you want; you know what you think is the best for you.

Do you want to complete your contract/stay for a year at your current job? What are you getting from it? Do you actually not mind getting up in the morning, or whenever, to go to work?
Or does the idea of working as a high school teacher again sound better?

IF you plan to resign, in my opinion, it would be better to look for jobs in advance (while you're still at your current job). That ensures that you won't be unemployed for too long, you get to prepare your documents to resign without any issues AND the documents you need for applications elsewhere. This is especially true if you plan to work abroad as you need time to work on visas and what-not.

Do YOU want to stay in the same city? Move somewhere else in the country? Work abroad? What feels right? Are there opportunities to work at the same area? To work abroad?

And about your Masters, you could either study while working, and attend classes on the weekends...
OR you could just focus on studying (be a full-time grad student) if you were able to save enough money to finish your Masters in 2-3yrs, so that you don't have to wait on your sister to finish school.

I know, I know. This was REALLY long. I apologize; I tend to get carried away. It's just that I've experienced something quite similar and hoped that someone would've actually told me these things; but I'm glad I learned anyway. Hope this helps! :)