Back in the game.

Hi there people!

I'm writing this to say that I'm back, and this time it's for good.

Last year wasn't my year, I had a really confused mind back then and to be honest the least I wanted to think of was anything love-related. 

This year I'm making my own luck and cheering myself up, because I realized that in the end we are all alone and we have to fight. Call it a twist of fate or something like that, but I know this is gonna be my year (and Chae's why not lol)

Almost three years ago I posted my first story here, and when I found out about how many views and subs it had it felt crazy. It was crazy how many support I did have and I still cherish all the people that were by my side.

I don't like breaking my promises, and when I started to post one of my all time cherished stories here It felt as if I was making one with the reader at the other side of the screen. That story meant and still means so much to me, because part of it is real life, that by chance i had the courage to write even if it was making two of my role models become the actors. It just happened that they also fitted the role to its perfection.

So know I'm fulfilling my promise, and rewriting Twenty almost twenty one in order to be a more meaningful tale that everyone can relate to. I don't like it being some delusional fairy tale, that's not my thing.

I hope I can meet your expectations and that you will come to love it once again.

Thanks for everything guys.



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