
This is an important part of the process I think. I try to remove as many mistakes as I can in the story before I start to publish it. I usually read the story a few times on different devices—I will catch different kinds of mistakes depending on the device—and also, I have a beta.

It is very interesting to have another person that will read your work, notice mistakes and give you feedback on your story while you can still edit it. It’s not easy to find someone you will like that will do what you need, but if and when you find them, hang on to them!

Also, when asking for beta work, you need to know what you want. Do you want the person to only catch mistakes? Do you want someone that will give you feedback regarding the plot and character development? Do you need someone to bounce off ideas?

Last thing, remember that it’s fanfiction. It doesn’t mean that we don’t need to try to make it good, it just means that we won’t pay a professional editor to edit our stories, and therefore it’s normal that it won’t be perfect. That’s okay. Most published books aren’t perfect either anyway.


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Thank you for this wonderful blog post :)
I found it totally interesting and it's just cool to see behind the scenes of another author and learn something new ♥
I am so happy that we have so many talented people on this platform! Without Lost_Pharaoh and The2minwol I wouldn't have posters for my stories because I don't have a knack for it!
That you should do it regularly is so important! Because of my work, the last time I wrote was 2 weeks ago and I can already see how I need to get back into the swing of things!
I think this tip is really important :)
I have to say that for my current story I also use the plot grid! It works so well!!! Thanks again for showing it to me :)

Until then I used the outlining method of Abbie Emmons which I also find really good :)
OMG Yes! Ideas really come from everywhere :D
I have so many! And I can't wait to bring them all to life :)
And I always have to write them down right away, too, because otherwise I know I'll forget them ^^