Week 1

Total Words: 3,928


I was stumped that week of how I wanted to go with my wip LW. I was stuck because I was making my main OC be someone that she isn't. Therefore I allowed her to be her and suddenly, dialogue was more natural, the narrative was flowing and everything just made sense. Also, I was talking with a friend one night, about anything and everything, when I had fixed my block in my story. So shout to that friend. Honestly if we didn't talk, I feel like I wouldn't have gotten pass that stump.

Less words then the first two days. How do I feel? A bit sad when I see it but understandable since most of what I wrote will not be in the final, or first draft. BUT I enjoyed writing when I finally found the OC's personality. And that is what matters. Because now that I know, I'm even more hyped to tell her story.


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Ooo this seems interesting