Giveaway Recipients Announcement!

Hi, it's me again!

Thank you for everyone who read, subscribed, upvoted and even participated in this giveaway. I didn't have any expectation to this event because I know the rules are quite strict. I was going to change it a bit but it'd be a hassle to do it when the blog has been published.

So I left it as it is.

And guess what? I'd like to announce the recipients!!

First of all, I'd like to thank you again for sharing your stories with me. Reading your comments about your favourite story that you wrote on your own and the reasons why you keep writing has given me a lot of inspirations. It has been a while since I last updated my fics plus I'm into Hey! Say! JUMP lately (hence, Yuto, Ryosuke & Yuri are in the banner lol), so I couldn't be focused on writing my EXO stories.

BUT, rest assure. I'd be continuing them soon after I'm done with the current semester. Ever since we had been ordered to go home for the MCO, we are attending our lectures via remote learning and gosh, it was 10000000x worse than the usual classes. More assessments to be done, more quizzes, more classes unintentionally been missed cuz I overslept.

I really wish this pandemic would be over soon so we could go back to our normal life >.<


Enough with that. I'm supposed to announce the winners though.

After this blog goes public, I'd be sending KPs to those who I think should be receiving them. I hope it'd be helpful for you to... bid on the main page advertisement, maybe?? Also, I have a favour to ask. Please do not reveal how much you received because there might be a problem later. Someone might be hitting me up on DM and ask me for everything I have ;)) Trust me, this has happened a couple of times whenever I publicized my KPs.


That's all. Thank you!



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The giveaway has ended! Thank you for joining ♡
Hi, I'm interested to join ^^

1. I would like to nominate my Sehun x OC fic, "My Love for You is Incurable". Chapter 1-7 were written six years ago, and I resumed writing the story a year ago. This story is the most important to me because it witnessed the darkest stage of my life. It is my safe haven after my father died, its importance probably exceeds my personal understanding. This story was never easy for me to write, in these six years of writing the story, I encountered countless self-struggles because I couldn't help but thought my writing was absolutely rubbish compared to the writings from the native English speakers. But in the end, I broke through my psychological barrier and learnt to accept my imperfections. And I made it, because I finished this story after so, so long.

2. About what motivates me to write, thinking about why I started writing since 2013, my intention was simple — I just want to express my love to the idols. I have written about Infinite's Myungsoo, and B.A.P.'s Daehyun and Zelo back in the days in 2013, and it gives me lots of nostalgia when these idols are no longer active :( Writing to me is a self-healing process, it heals my wounds and shaped me to become a better person :) And I always receive positive energy from reading fics written by others, the satisfaction gain after reading a good fic is just amazing, so I'm working hard since I want to do the same for my readers too :)

Thank you for hosting this♡Have a nice day!
Woww! Well it doesn’t hurt to join!

I’m nominating my own fan fic called “The Rise of The Mages”. After my other zombie fic, I decided to lay off writing action for awhile and focus on writing love stories (A sign of old age, I think)!
Deciding to write TRotM’s is ideally one of the best decisions I’ve ever made because I enjoy writing it so much; drawing the maps and creating the flags as well as forming a concept of a new world that I wished I lived in. I’ve always been self conscious about what I write and always a little insecure about my plots but the fact that I’m having so much fun and getting good feedback makes me realize that it doesn’t matter how old you think you’re becoming— writing knows no boundaries!

TRotM brings me back to the days of childhood memories when I used to read “Magic Treehouse” in my room, basking in the words of Macbeth plays.

What keeps me motivated, other than my readers would be the feeling I get when I write. I don’t know if people get this, but the sound of the keyboard and the feeling of ultimate productiveness when you finish a chapter is something that I have always enjoyed feeling!! I’m sure all other writers get it too. Writing is more than a hobby, the string of words are an art!

Anyway, goodluck on the year ahead. Happy 4th Anniversary, stay safe! Sending love xoxo
Awww thank you for hosting this giveaway hahah and again! Happy 4th anniversary here on AFF!!!

I'm nominated my new SuhoxOC story named "Kim Lawyers" since I'm working these days on the plot to improve it! The reason I've chosen this specific story is because it's a special story that I made for one of my readers who has been supporting me since the day I've started writing :) the idea is originally hers, but the plot is mine! I realize as an author that I should do something for my dearest readers who have been with me since the very start because without them, I wouldn't have reached all of this! I would have given up on writing already thinking that I'm only writing trash lol so this story holds a special place in my heart :) I want to give my readers all the happiness because they keep making my days better with their support!

What keeps me motivated! Is my readers haha without thinking twice! They are the only ones who are able to keep me motivated to write! But, I love writing anyway. I won't give up on it!❤❤❤

Thank you again❤❤ wish you all the best Subby!
Congrats!! Hitting the 4 year mark is actually huge because most people start losing interest around 2-3 years (I know I disappeared for quite some time around the 5 year mark lol) Man, I remember A Dead Man's Diary that was such a long time ago!

To be honest, I was going to nominate my Yixing/OC fic, but the one I'm working on right now is so much dearer to me and I'm absolutely so excited to work on it all the time that I was like screw it xD It's a Baekhyun/OC fic (featuring Jongin as a cat, if that helps? LOL) called Distant Torment. It's my favorite piece simply because of how attached I've gotten to the characters over the time I was planning and starting the fic. I had lost interest in writing for so long till I saw a soulmate au prompt that really spurred me to starting planning it, and now it's the reason why I'm honestly more creative and happier. I write more, I read more, and I'm thinking more out of the box (which I guess is good as an engineer XD) Writing had become such a chore to me, and now I'm always thinking about plot lines and always thinking about what I could add into my fic to make it a bit funnier. People comment and say that the small banter between my characters make them smile and being able to make someone smile like that through my writing is honestly such an accomplishment, and that makes me want to keep going.

Honestly, now that I've written all that out, I'm realizing that I'm no longer writing for the praise but writing for myself which is an improvement for myself haha. Thank you for holding this giveaway <3
Four years do pass by so quickly but congratulations you made it so far haha

My favourite story I have written so far is called Apathy. The reason for this is that it personally means a lot. When I had first started writing it, I was going through a very hard period in my life. I was a very low and negative person. Writing out a fictional story full of angst and emotional characters opened up a safe place for me to be able to lose myself from reality. It took me almost two years to finish it but I never gave up on it. And one of the big reasons was obviously the support.

This is also what motivates me to write. First, the fact that I can escape reality with my writing and secondly the support. Just one kind message or comment expressing a reader's eagerness to read my stories motivates me.

Once again, thank you :)

P.S. I used to write Hunhan mostly but I recently started writing OCxSehun so I hope that meets the requirements :)
First of all this is such a kind gesture !! I would love to join as well.

My favourite story would be actually the sehunxOC "stubborn beloved" . Because this story made me feel wholesome while I was writing it. Also I felt really connected to the readers who were generous enough to actively participate with the story. The love the female character received and the scolding sehun received was so amazing haha. Also it was a story which focused on giving cheerful positive vibe , which I hope everyone thrives to live in. It made me grateful for so many things in life.

As for what motivates me to doesn't have a particular answer tbh. Just sometimes if I watch or read sth that ignites my imagination, or if I get any weird dreams at night haha. I can be motivated by anything. Be it life experience or an external push.

I have one completed one shot of kai and one of kyungsoo, and one ongoing kai fic. SehunxOC is what I always find myself writing lmao.

Congrats on 4 year of this beautiful journey here !

Thank you for hosting this ♡♡ best of luck!