Jaemin (1,501 jaemin stories)

SpartAce Marital Bliss - Their treasures.

The days following the SBS Entertainment Award Ceremony were a whirlwind for the Kim family. While the girls’ performance had been nothing short of spectacular, it also attracted more attention tha

One Shots
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By cloudynoon Updated
Tags  jaemin   marklee   nct   markmin   nctdream 
With 4 chapters, 4 subscribers, 2250 views, 15 words

出/轨/文学、私设、极雷、三/观/不/正/、进展缓慢❗前马东+诺民→马民,出/轨/的只有LMK和LZM,结局马民1V1,看到这里不适就不用点进来了。 传笃→链❗


By TheWhite_19 Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   jeno   nct   nctmark   haechan   nctdream   markno   markxjeno   jisungxjeno   jaeminxhaechan   nahyuck   nachan   sungno 
With 7 chapters, 36 subscribers, 2380 views, 21 comments, 5 words
Status Members Only


The Hatred Feeds The Hate

By LadyERR Updated
Characters na jaemin, mark lee, lee haechan, huang renjun, lee jeno, chenle zhong, park jisung
With 1 chapters, 120 views, 8436 words

Revenge is best served cold. Given a chance to start anew in a different world, Na Jaemin was unable to shake off the bitterness from his past. The betrayals and wounds he had suffered made it impossible for him to embrace love. Instead, he clung fiercely to the one person who had wronged him deeply, offering nothing but sorrow in return. This is the tale of how he unleashed his vengeance, and how his story of revenge unfolded.


By GovernerofAntarctica Updated
Tags  jaemin   channa   donghyuck   haechan   nctdream   jaeminxhaechan   nachan 
Characters Na Jaemin, Lee Haechan/Lee Donghyuck
With 1 chapters, 320 views, 2 comments, 15 words

分手三年,前男友成了通缉犯,回家发现,他居然在我的床上呼呼大睡?! p.s. not a rom-com

Pretty Bear

By luckyball_hc Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   sungchan   mark   jeno   markchan   haechan   nctdream   nachan   nochan   allhaechan 
Characters mark jeno haechan jaemin jisung
With 6 chapters, 3 votes, 319 subscribers, 48700 views, 186 comments, 59 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Iridescent_candy Updated
Tags  jaemin   jaehyun   nct   nct127   nctdream 
With 14 chapters, 282 subscribers, 82170 views, 129 comments, 48 words
Status [M]


By Rae_3k Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   sungchan   mark   jaechan   markchan   jaedo   haechan   allhaechan 
Characters mark haechan jaemin jisung
With 3 chapters, 25 subscribers, 4350 views, 18 comments, 21 words
Status Members Only

*李马克vs罗渽民vs朴志晟 超绝雄竞*all灿*土豪*品牌不要来找我你们也不会看*架空世界不完全ooc(财力惊人*he    🧣:要饭没人理(66skimchisoup)

The Walking Dead || EXO x KPOP ||

By Baeika49 Updated
Tags  boyxboy   horror   idols   jaemin   kpop      exo   kai   sehun   mingyu   baekhyun   romace   chen   chanyeol   minseok   lay   jongin   boyslove   kyungsoo   suho   sekai   baekyeol   kaihun   sulay   chanbaek   lucas   horrorcomedy   bts   seventeen   thiller   joshua   jungkook   taehyung   taekook   mark   taeyoung   mxm   hoshi   suengcheol   zombiesau   nct   zombieapocalyseau 
Characters Chanyeol, Baekhyun; Sehun, Jongin, Suho, lay, Taehyung, Jungkook, Minseok, Kyungsoo, Jongdae, other idols
With 36 chapters, 51 subscribers, 2410 views, 70076 words
Status Subscribers Only

Who knew life would change in just seconds. They were just normal people living their normal lives yesterday, but now they're fighting and killing zombies to survive, day by day! It's gonna be hard, but they got each other's backs. Will they survive ?? Find out in 'The Walking Dead' !! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Boom, Bloom, Blossom

By Omona_ Updated
Characters Huang Renjun, Na Jaemin, Lee Jeno
With 9 chapters, 10 subscribers, 4360 views, 1 comments, 44146 words

Growing up and finding yourself was never easy, but figuring out life between all the bruises, the blurred lines of friendship, and the threat of losing everything you were working so hard for? Even harder.


By ihaechan6 Updated
Tags  jaemin   jaeminxyou   nctxyou 
With 11 chapters, 46 subscribers, 12060 views, 50 comments, 9 words
Status Completed

已婚影帝娜×摄影杂志主编你。出轨文学。鲜活真实又冰冷残酷的成人世界。 2024娜生贺文。  

「NP」囚徒(Trapped Beta)

By silviaoxo Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   jaehyun   taeyong   mark   doyoung   nct 
Characters nct
With 16 chapters, 9 votes, 532 subscribers, 186080 views, 88 comments, 298 words
Status [M]

The Writings of a NCTzen - Collection of One and Two Shots

By xomakara Updated
Tags  jaemin      taeil   twoshots   johnny   oneshotcollection   jisung   jaehyun   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   ten   marklee   doyoung   johnnysuh   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctu   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   drabblescollection   nctfanfic   xiaojun   hendery   wayv   nctdojaejung   nctimagines 
Characters Reader, NCT
With 35 chapters, 4 votes, 41 subscribers, 5270 views, 6 comments, 209788 words
Status [M]


By Sometimes_romantic Updated
Tags  jaemin   haechan   nahyuck   nachan 
With 3 chapters, 2 subscribers, 580 views, 1 comments, 38 words
Status [M], Members Only


By lailainctttt Updated
Tags  jaemin   yangyang   nctdream   wayv   yangyangxjaemin   yangna   yangyangnana 
With 140 views, 13 words
Status Completed

划划五谷杂粮生产部 •2024NCT完整体联文 ———————————————————— 医生扬x杀手娜   预警: 非公路文,大偏题 狗血 ooc 自行避雷 全文虚构,请勿带入现实


By whoswenos Updated
Tags  jaemin   nct   nctdream   jaeminxyou   nctxyou 
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 1150 views, 3 words
Status Completed

娜你|校园纯情 暗恋 暧昧不清


By ArwenU_ Updated
Tags  jaemin   yangyang   nct   nctdream   wayv   yangna 
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 350 views, 1 comments, 49 words
Status Members Only

#鹊桥交通管制2024# day2 20:30

灿娜|Secret heart

By Lovesleep Updated
Tags  jaemin   channa   nct   haechan 
With 460 views, 1 comments, 13 words

  *本文世界观与案情手法均有参考《魔术快斗》 *情节纯属虚构,请勿上升真人。


By Lovesleep Updated
Tags  jaemin   channa   nct   haechan 
With 6 subscribers, 2140 views, 1 comments, 4 words
Status [M], Completed


By TheWhite_19 Updated
With 4 chapters, 4 votes, 107 subscribers, 9020 views, 97 comments, 5 words
Status Members Only



By mellet_len Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   jeno   jisungxjaemin 
Characters jeno jaemin jisung
With 1 subscribers, 160 views, 1 comments
Status Members Only

          在那个灯火辉煌、流光溢彩的夜晚,一场盛大的假面舞会正在一座历史悠久的庄园中举行。大厅内,璀璨的水晶吊灯洒下柔和而奢华的光芒,映照在每一个精心装扮的面具之下,使得这场政商交织的聚会更添几分神秘与。墙壁上挂着的名贵油画仿佛也在低语,见证着这场名利场上的逢场作戏。   朴志晟身着一件剪裁得体的黑色礼服,领微敞,露出他细腻的脖和不经意间嘟起的唇,那双笑起来会眯成一缝的眼睛在面具下闪烁着好奇与调皮的光芒。他穿梭于人群之中,像一只灵巧的,寻找着那个熟悉而又遥远的身影。   终于,在一张摆满了精致糕点的桌旁,他发现了罗渽民。罗渽民身着深蓝色西装,面具下的眼神冷峻而深邃,仿佛能洞察一切,却又对世间万物保持着恰到好处的距离。   “嘿,冷面王子,今晚愿意和我这个小淘气一起探险吗?”   对面很快起身离开,像从前无数次的试探一样。但出乎朴志晟的意料的是,在此之前,他留下了一句微带醉意的低语。   “晚上10点,我会去的。”   几个小时之后,罗渽民准时到达。他站在门,目


By charlotte34 Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   nctdream   nomin 
Characters Jeno Jaemin
With 11 chapters, 1 votes, 26 subscribers, 7710 views, 3 comments, 3 words
Status Members Only

疯子谈恋爱 到底是谁才是猎物,或者说谁在猎物呢……


By TheWhite_19 Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   markhyuck   markchan   nct   nctmark   haechan   nctdream   markno   nomin   markxjeno   jenoxjaemin   markxhaechan   haechanxjaemin   nachan 
With 13 chapters, 1 votes, 80 subscribers, 7030 views, 90 comments, 13 words
Status Completed, Members Only



By SevenTower Updated
Tags  jaemin   nct   nctdream   jaeminxyou   nctxyou 
With 1 subscribers, 1850 views, 4 words
Status Members Only



By italktojesus Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   minno   jaemjen 
With 3 chapters, 17 subscribers, 2280 views, 5 comments, 4 words



By CSFann Updated
Tags  jaemin   nct   nctdream   renjun   jaeminxrenjun   jaemrennajun 
With 420 views

*现背 “偶像旁边站着更年轻的偶像,高楼旁边站着更高的高楼。”


By Tingdian1ri Updated
Tags  jaemin   haechan   jaeminxhaechan   nachan 
Characters najaemin haechan donghyuck
With 8 subscribers, 380 views, 6 comments, 25 words

*罗渽民x李东赫,机械义肢退役速滑运动员罗vs养弟弟妹妹的酒吧驻唱兼自由职业者东。 *主渽民,长在刻板印象上的人设,但笔者没写过就是偏要勉强做重复涂鸦。 *Ps.文中罗的项目是双人一组竞技的长道速度滑冰,不是多人一组的短道速滑。


By chenzhi135 Updated
Tags  jaemin   chenle   nacl   nale 
With 8 chapters, 1 votes, 22 subscribers, 12280 views, 20 comments, 154 words
Status [M], Completed


By fanbao Updated
Tags  jaemin   jaehyun   nct   jaeminxjaehyun 
With 1 subscribers, 280 views
Status Members Only

罗渽民×郑在玹 娜玹钓面 失忆梗棒打鸳鸯梗


By aruan107 Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   nasung 
Characters jaemin jisung
With 4 subscribers, 400 views, 1 comments, 6 words
Status Completed

永恒之1渽民生日快乐,祝你愿望都实现 我们是正经奶茶店,绝对不会有宰客行为的

all灿 小明星秘事【0807更新番外1元五粉丝会】

By Violeeet66 Updated
Tags  jaemin   johnny   jisung   jaehyun   jungwoo   sungchan   mark   jeno   jungchan   markchan   haechan   hyunchan   nachan   nochan   allhyuck   allhaechan   johnchan   allchan 
Characters 李楷灿
With 7 chapters, 2 votes, 234 subscribers, 48470 views, 45 comments, 46 words

【0807更新番外元五粉丝会】 【是包养小明星设定,因为我想(bushi)】 会【随机】拉哥哥弟弟甚至路人来做爱或者做第四爱。纯粹的黄绪产物,随缘更新,不要上升,不喜欢请划过。 【小明星目前的队友是元5,金主是芝桃,评论点了九所以加了进来】 【目前更新:01囧灿 02马东 03玹灿 04笃立方 05星灿 06九灿 番外1元五粉丝会】 【每篇的场景剧情见开头和标题】 【其实原定的第一篇番外是救出来后几个人的接力赛,但是太想写粉丝会了www希望有空了能把接力赛也写出来】        

all灿/元五 小明星系列平行世界番外篇之粉丝见面会

By Violeeet66 Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   sungchan   jichan   mark   jeno   markchan   haechan   nachan   nochan   allhyuck   allhaechan   allchan 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 12 subscribers, 2690 views, 9 comments, 19 words

是小明星系列的平行世界番外篇,这次的东赫成为了GV男优,开起了粉丝见面会,又会和粉丝们之间碰撞出怎么样的火花呢? (元五,涉及部分路人,具体预警已在文章开头给出,不喜勿入!!) (小明星系列请点击作者主页查看,下滑后会看见小明星系列的六篇纯h文)  

[NCT Dream]沙城

By wangxiao-1221 Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   chenji   mark   jeno   markchan   nct   haechan   nctdream   chenle   nomin   renjun   nachan   nojun 
Characters NCT Dream Members
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 17 subscribers, 2810 views, 2 comments, 20 words



By ruby_in_berries Updated
Tags  jaemin   nctdream   jaeminxyou   nctxyou 
With 2 chapters, 14 subscribers, 2950 views, 1 comments, 12 words

🍒娜X你 🍒破镜重圆 🍒外冷内热大灰狼X敏感卑微小白兔


By emmtomato Updated
Tags  jaemin   mark   jeno   markchan   haechan   nomin 
With 9 subscribers, 1410 views, 2 comments, 5 words

传和笃的故事 严重ooc 小学鸡文笔 慎入! 设定是公子哥和体育生( ?)的爱情故事…


By win_sovereign Updated
Tags  jaemin   jaehyun   mark   jaemark   minmark   allmark   allwithmark 
With 4 subscribers, 2040 views, 2 words
Status [M]

Tomatoes In May

By bunny506 Updated
Characters Jung Yunho, Kim Jaejoong, Shim Changmin, Haruma Miura, and more
With 38 chapters, 16 votes, 97 subscribers, 6200 views, 106 comments, 162227 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By TIdoubleAN Updated
Tags  jaemin   nct   nctdream   jaeminxyou 
Characters JAEMIN
With 1 chapters, 8 subscribers, 2540 views, 3 comments, 4 words
Status Completed



By TIdoubleAN Updated
Tags  jaemin   nct   nctdream   jaeminxyou 
Characters JAEMIN
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 970 views, 1 comments, 17 words
Status Completed



By emmtomato Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   markchan   nomin 
With 2 votes, 4 subscribers, 4850 views, 2 comments, 8 words
Status [M]


By TIdoubleAN Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   nct   nctdream   jaeminxyou   jisungxyou 
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 2620 views, 1 comments, 19 words
Status Completed



By emmtomato Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   mark   jeno   markchan   nct   haechan   chenle   nomin   sungchen 
With 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 3760 views, 3 comments, 2 words

 小学鸡文笔+无脑剧情 慎入! 全是ooc不上升爱豆个人全是脑内狗屎产物 涉及传壳笃 介意勿看不要互相伤害 一个由喝酒引发的烂俗故事(不知道要不要继续写下去…)主传 随机后续…(后续的车写得我焦头烂额)


By celerymanager Updated
Tags  jaemin   nct   jaeminxyou   nctxyou 
Characters Jaemin
With 5 subscribers, 7960 views, 4 words
Status [M]

娜星 / 明治 | 兔子灵

By Bunnybubble Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   nct   nctdream   jaesung   nasung 
With 1 chapters, 3 comments, 2 words
Status [M]


By Jubumeijie Updated
Tags  jaemin   marklee   markmin 
With 5 subscribers, 1000 views, 2 comments, 5 words



By FullsunKaeun Updated
Tags  jaemin   renjun   najun 
With 1 subscribers, 3650 views, 3 comments, 6 words
Status [M]


By ranwekqqh Updated
Tags  jaemin   mark   markxyou   jaeminxyou 
Characters 2w+
With 2 chapters, 75 subscribers, 20800 views, 7 comments, 11 words
Status [M]

罗渽民x你 不do就不能离开的房间

By kisscake Updated
Tags  jaemin   nct   nctdream 
With 6 subscribers, 8540 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By Rekai_A Updated
Characters Kim Jae-min Han-soo-jin Park-joon-ho.
With 100 views, 3330 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

梦梦酒店Dream Hotel

By 3to34to3 Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   mark   jeno   marklee   nct   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun 
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 3870 views, 2 comments, 29 words
Status Completed



By italktojesus Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   minno 
With 20 subscribers, 4600 views, 5 comments



By R1anyzy Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   sungchan   jichan   jaechan   nct   haechan   nctdream   jaeminxhaechan   nachan   allhaechan   jisungxhaechan 
Characters haechan jisung jaemin
With 23 subscribers, 10760 views, 3 comments, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By TheBlackButterfly Updated
Tags  angst   jaemin   romance   schoollife   jisung   murdermystery   mark   jeno   nctdream   chenle   renjun   jaeminxoc   heachan 
Characters OC Oh Young Mi and members of NCT Dream
With 2 chapters, 520 views, 3888 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

How To Not Have a Jowa (An Unhelpful Guide to Self Love)

By Soshi_051697 Updated
Tags  fluff   jaemin   romance   romcom   sliceoflife   taglish   winter   karina   selfhelp   selflove   najaemin   aespa   winrina   jiminjeong   winterxkarina   karinaxwinter   winterkim   karinayu 
Characters Karina Yu Winter Kim
With 7 chapters, 87 votes, 1172 subscribers, 8040 views, 111 comments, 28514 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Plot: Award winning book author but bitter Karina Yu, or Rina is currently writing a not so helpful book about how to not get a jowa. Only to manifest the greenest flag of all Winter Kim, who wanted to change her mind. Will Winter succeed in writing her character in the next chapters as the end game? Or was she just another side character in Karina's world?


By Thalassa0831 Updated
Tags  jaemin   johnny   jun   baekhyun   chanyeol   jisung   taeli   kyungsoo   jaehyun   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   ten   redvelvet   doyoung   kun   nct   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   wayv   aespa   riize   nctwish 
With 10 chapters, 9 subscribers, 2450 views, 1 comments, 757 words
Status Members Only

NCT群像 1.越往后会有越多跟NCT有关系的爱豆来串场 友情出演 仍主划 2.没有刻意去写CP 是按照他们的相处模式顺这写的 但我看了几遍发现还是有很多磕点的 基本是乱炖 可以随找糖磕 3.Jinqo是作者为了推动剧情,过渡桥段和世界观发展创造的角色,也是为了作者逃离ooc魔咒创造的,前几章后主要戏份不会多。

《神的晚餐》 灿娜星

By Whitepeach1019 Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   haechan   nctdream 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 17 subscribers, 2520 views, 5 comments, 84 words
Status [M]


By ArwenU_ Updated
Tags  jaemin   yangyang   nct   yangna 
Characters 1-6
With 11 chapters, 13 subscribers, 3570 views, 4 comments, 84 words



By chen3pi Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
Characters jeamin, jeno
With 6 chapters, 2 votes, 23 subscribers, 6550 views, 9 comments, 29 words
Status [M], Completed