Personal Message

As of April 28, 2024, I am currently not accepting Crowdfund or Ko-Fi!
I am editing my Crowdfund tiers and building on my Ko-Fi page before re-releasing it again.
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as well as for reading my nonsense!


Advertisements are welcome ♡! But no rp please!!


Hello there! Friends and readers have dubbed me Angst Queen or Hyunie, but you can just call me by my nickname Cherry ^^

I'm in the process of editing a new profile, but you may check out the incompleted one below if you would like to know a little about me!

And if you want to see the more spicy ty side of me, then head over to my sweetashyunie account ♡ (not pwp tho sorry lol I still try to have plots)

(My profile pic is not my art and all credit goes to the original artist)



All of your support by messages, upvotes, and comments have always made me smile and get through my hardest days, so thank you kindly from what's left of my heart ♡

If you like my writing from this account or my sweetashyunie account and sincerely want to support me through donations - and make me cry rivers - because you believe I deserve it, then you can click the Ko-fi button below or check out my AFF Crowdfund Page.



Why support me? Because I'm someone that will sell her tears and give you pieces of her heart forever xD Really though, I'll love you forever and never let you forget that I'm in your debt and you'll never be able to push me off from hugging you like a koala. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)♡


Seriously though, (unless said otherwise on my Ko-fi or Crowdfund page) all proceeds go towards my treatments, medicine, and medical bills for Lupus and Fibromyalgia. Lupus is a serious autoimmune disease which means my immune system basically attacks anything in my body or itself and causes a lot of symptoms that debilitates me OTL

So I really mean it when I say I appreciate the kindness and will love you forever ;×;

About Me


No. 01289





Hello there, love ♡! Just a fellow chanbaek writer here, struggling through life but enjoying sharing my stories and doing what I can to help everyone ^^

I'm very shy but always accepting new friends, so please feel free to message me anytime (*'꒳' *)!



Quick About Me:


Writer | Certified Animator | Artist | Instrument Player | Singer | Aspiring Psychiatrist | Uni Student | Multi-lingualPun User | Dork | Nerd| Very lame | etc


Love: Anime. Art. Video/Board Games. Final Fantasy. Kingdom Hearts. Tales Of series. Persona 3 & 5. etc




Bias: Chanyeol. Lay. Taeyong. Mark.


Ships: chanbaek. kaisoo. xiuchen. taeten. nomin. Sehun+Guy from EXO Next Door. Baekhoe+EXO? Jisung offstage+Jisung onstage? (b° w°)b


OtherMusic: Rock/Alternative/Heavy. Classical. (Anything but Country x3 lol)



Owner/Writer of The Redlight District Shop.



Oneshot writer in Mic Drop.



AGE: Older than I seem ;×;

 # OF STORIES: 50+?

Favorite Stories! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚(will edit in later)


Will enter more text here later ×~×




"They say that no love is perfect. But then, they never met you." - 5 to 7 (movie)

 (the bottom box is scrollable lol)